Mythology: In Hindu mythology, the crane, known as "Baka," is revered as a symbol of spiritual wisdom and patience. Eka Pāda Bakāsana A, a variation of the crane pose, is also referred to as the "One-Legged Crane." This yoga posture demands physical strength and mental concentration. The extended leg symbolizes a connection to the spiritual realm, while the crane balances on one leg, bridging the gap between heaven and earth. The pose encourages the cultivation of patience and inner wisdom.
The one-legged crane in Eka Pāda Bakāsana A serves as a reminder of the patience and ability to concentrate that the crane symbolizes. The upward-stretched leg can be interpreted as a link to the spiritual world, while the crane stands on one leg, maintaining the connection to the physical reality.
Just as the crane, Baka, acts as a messenger between heaven and earth, Eka Pāda Bakāsana A represents the yogic journey of inner enlightenment and the balance between spiritual and worldly aspects of life. The pose encourages practitioners to cultivate the wisdom and patience of the crane as they embark on their spiritual journey.
In the traditional count: Begin directly from "Downward-Facing Dog" pose in the previous sequence.
Vinyāsa 7 - Inhale, Exhale, Inhale:
Inhale, jump out of the "Downward-Facing Dog" position into an arm balance. Exhale, bend your elbows while extending your legs. Gently place your skull in front of your hands on the ground, so that the three points of contact form an equilateral triangle. Head, shoulder girdle, pelvis, and feet should now be approximately aligned vertically. Inhale here.
Vinyāsa 8 - Exhale:
Lower your right leg on the exhalation and place the right knee on the right upper arm near the armpit.
Vinyāsa 9 - Inhale, 5 breaths, Exhale:
Inhale to extend your arms and thus lift your head off the floor. The pressure with your knee against your armpit stabilizes the pose. Stay here until the fifth exhalation.
Tip: The more you pull your bent leg to your chest, the easier it is to extend your upper body diagonally upwards.
Vinyāsa 10 – Inhale:
Lower your head back to the floor at the end of the exhalation and inhale as you extend your legs vertically back into the tripod headstand.
Vinyāsa 11-13:
Repeat the sequence of movements from Vinyasa 8-10 on the left side.
Tip: Don't just fall out of the tripod headstand into Caturāṅga Daṇḍāsana. First, lower your straight legs until your toes almost touch the ground. From there, give an upward impulse with your legs. This will effortlessly lift your head so you can control your descent into Caturāṅga Daṇḍāsana.
Vinyāsa 14 to 16:
Follow the movement flow you are already familiar with until you come to a halt in "Downward-Facing Dog."
In the traditional count: Proceed directly into the movement flow of the next posture.
Effect: "Eka Pāda Bakāsana A, or the one-legged crane pose, offers several benefits. It strengthens the arms, wrists, and abdominal muscles, enhancing physical balance and core stability. This pose also improves focus and concentration, as it requires maintaining a steady position while balancing on the arms. Additionally, practicing "Eka Pāda Bakāsana A can boost confidence and mental resilience, as it challenges both the body and mind. It's a great pose for experienced yoga practitioners looking to deepen their practice and explore more advanced asanas. However, it should be approached with caution and preferably under expert guidance, especially for beginners.
Fotograf: Richard Pilnick - www.richardpilnick.com
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