Ashtanga Yoga for advanced practitioners: 35 tough Asanas of third series (Advanced A) play with gravity. The reward: Sthira Bhaga, sublime serenity.

Traditional Practice Series




Vasishthasana [thumb mini] Vishvamitrasana [thumb mini] exit the pose [thumb mini] Kasyapasana [thumb mini solar] Chakorasana [thumb mini] Bhairavasana [thumb mini] Skandasana [thumb mini] Durvasana [thumb mini] Way into the Position [thumb mini] Urdhva  Kukkutasana [A] [thumb mini]

Kasyapa (कस्यप, Kasyapa) = Kasyapa is a Saint from Indian mythology and a descendant of Marichi (मरीचि, Marīci). According to Vajasaneyi-Sanhita (वाजसनेयिसंहिता, Vājasaneyi-Saṁhitā) of Atharva-Veda (अथर्ववेद, Atharva-Veda) he is one of the 7 Saints Rishi[s] (ऋषि[स्], R̥ṣi[s]) represented in the constellation of the Big Dipper. Besides Shatapatha-Brahmana (शतपथब्राह्मण, Śatapatha-Brāhmaṇa) he is said to be the author of several verses of the Rig-Veda (ऋग्वेद, R̥g-Veda) . He was married to all 13 daughters of Daksa (दक्ष, Dakṣa) . With Aditi (आदिति, Āditi) he was the father of Aditya[s] (आदित्य[स्], Āditya[s]) and Vivasvat (विवस्वत्, Vivasvat) and Vishnu (विष्णु, Viṣṇu) as Vamana-Avatara (वामनअवतार, Vāmana-Avatāra). With the other 12 women he fathered demons, Naga[s] (नाग[स्], Nāga[s]), reptiles, birds, and all kinds of creatures. He is an important part of the creation and therefore sometimes called Praja-Pati (प्रजापति, Prajā-Pati).
Asana (आसन, Āsana) = pose, posture, seat
Kasyapasana (कस्यपासन, Kasyapāsana) = pose of Kasyapa

Vinyāsa breath Dr̥ṣṭi explanation of movement
1 IN añguṣṭhamadhye raise arms overhead
2 EX nāsāgre spread fingers, hinging at the hip fold forward, hands to ground Uttanasana (उत्तानासन, Uttānāsana)
3 IN bhrūmadhye come half-way up with straight spine, lift head
4 EX nāsāgre hands down, float back, ellbows close to chest Chaturanga Dandasana (चतुराङ्ग दण्डासन, Caturāṅga Daṇḍāsana)
5 IN bhrūmadhye roll on tops of feet, open the chest, straighten arms, Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana (ऊर्ध्व मुख श्वानासन, Ūrdhva Mukha Śvānāsana)
6 EX nābicakre tuck toes, push back, lift hips, straight arms Adho Mukha Shvanasana (अधो मुख श्वानासन, Adho Mukha Śvānāsana)
7 IN jump forward balancing on straight arms, bend legs in the air
(EX) jumping right leg over right shoulder resting it behind the head
(IN) hands into prayer in front of the heart
8 EX lying down
5BR bhrūmadhye Kasyapasana (कस्यपासन, Kasyapāsana)
(EX) lift left foot
9 IN roll up, balance on buttocks
(EX) hands down
(IN) lift up into Chakorasana (चकोरासन, Cakorāsana)
10 EX nāsāgre lower down slowly, elbows close to the body, Chaturanga Dandasana (चतुराङ्ग दण्डासन, Caturāṅga Daṇḍāsana)
11 IN bhrūmadhye roll on tops of feet, open the chest, straighten arms, Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana (ऊर्ध्व मुख श्वानासन, Ūrdhva Mukha Śvānāsana)
12 EX nābicakre tuck toes, push back, lift hips, straight arms, Adho Mukha Shvanasana (अधो मुख श्वानासन, Adho Mukha Śvānāsana)
13 IN jump forward balancing on straight arms, bend legs in the air
(EX) jumping left leg over left shoulder resting it behind the head
(IN) hands into prayer in front of the heart
14 EX lying down
5BR bhrūmadhye Kasyapasana (कस्यपासन, Kasyapāsana)
(EX) lift right foot
15 IN roll up, balance on buttocks
(EX) hands down
(IN) lift up into Chakorasana (चकोरासन, Cakorāsana)
16 EX nāsāgre lower down slowly, elbows close to the body, Chaturanga Dandasana (चतुराङ्ग दण्डासन, Caturāṅga Daṇḍāsana)
17 IN bhrūmadhye roll on tops of feet, open the chest, straighten arms, Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana (ऊर्ध्व मुख श्वानासन, Ūrdhva Mukha Śvānāsana)
18 EX nābicakre tuck toes, push back, lift hips, straight arms, Adho Mukha Shvanasana (अधो मुख श्वानासन, Adho Mukha Śvānāsana)
19 IN bhrūmadhye jump feet between hands, straighten the spine half way up, lift your head,
20 EX nāsāgre bring chest all the way in, Uttanasana (उत्तानासन, Uttānāsana)
- IN bhrūmadhye lift the head again, straighten spine, palms or finger tips remain on the ground
EX nāsāgre stand all the way up, arms on sides, Samasthitih (समस्थितिः, Samasthitiḥ)

legend for the Vinyāsa table:

  • The grey part of the table is performed in Aṣṭāṅga-Yoga practice.
  • Yellow marked is the position depicted on the photo.
  • Vinyāsa:1 = ekam; 2 = dve; 3 = trīṇi; 4 = catvāri; 5 = pañca; 6 = ṣaṭ; 7 = sapta; 8 = aṣṭau; 9 = nava; 10 = daśa; 11 = ekādaśa; 12 = dvādaśa; 13 = trayodaśa; 14 = caturdaśa; 15 = pañcadaśa; 16 = ṣoḍaśa; 17 = saptadaśa; 18 = aṣṭadaśa; 19 = ekonavimśatiḥ; 20 = vimśatiḥ; 21 = ekāvimśatiḥ; 22 = dvāvimśatiḥ; 23 = trayovimśatiḥ; 24 = caturvimśatiḥ; 25 = pañcavimśatiḥ; 26 = ṣoḍavimśatiḥ; 27 = saptavimśatiḥ; 28 = aṣṭovimśatiḥ
  • breath: IN = Inhalation; EX = exhalation; 5BR = five breaths
  • Dr̥ṣṭi: nāsāgre = to the nose; añguṣṭhamadhye = to the middle of the thumb; bhrūmadhye = in the middle of the eye brows; nābicakre = to the navel; ūrdhvadr̥ṣṭi = upwards; hastāgre = to the tip of the hand; pādayoragre = to the tip of the foot; pārśvadr̥ṣṭi = sidewards