Ashtanga Yoga is the dance of the breath with the body - a holistic meditation of movement. Learn the foundations of practice. Tristhana (Vinyasa, Bandha, Drishti), the series and lots of tricks for yoga poses and moves.

Inspiration for your practice
Navasana Navasana

Alignment Cues - Navasana

Kraftvoll und leicht zugleich - die „Bootshaltung“ ist eine Balanceposition auf dem spitz gestellten Becken. Beine und Oberkörper bilden dabei die Form eines Bootskiels.

Inspiration for your practice
Pascimottanansana Pascimottanansana

Alignment Cues - Pascimottanansana

Die „Sitzende Vorwärtsbeuge“ ist eine der ältesten und bekanntesten Haltungen des Hatha Yoga. Der Oberkörper streckt sich dabei nach vorne über die Beine.

Inspiration for your practice
Urdhva Dhanurasana Urdhva Dhanurasana

Alignment Cues - Urdhva Dhanurasana

Der „nach oben gerichtete Bogen“ ist eine der spektakulärsten und zugleich klassischsten Yogahaltungen. Mit der richtigen Technik kannst Du ihre Schwierigkeiten meistern und sie in ihrer vollen Schönheit erfahren. Aber wie immer gibt es auch gute Der „nach oben gerichtete Bogen“ ist eine der spektakulärsten und zugleich klassischsten Yogahaltungen. Mit der richtigen Technik kannst Du ihre Schwierigkeiten meistern und sie in ihrer vollen Schönheit erfahren. Aber wie immer gibt es auch gute Alternativen.

Inspiration for your practice
Virabhadrasana A Virabhadrasana A

Alignment Cues - Virabhadrasana A

In der „Haltung des mächtigen Helden“ reckt sich der Übende aus einem langen und stabilen Stand kraftvoll gen Himmel. Dafür ist es wichtig, den Stand gut nach unten zu verwurzeln und die Rückbeuge stabil von der Basis her aufzubauen.

Inspiration for your practice
Purvottanasana Purvottanasana

Alignment Cues - Purvottanasana

Die „Haltung zur Dehnung der Körpervorderseite“ ist eine kraftvolle, auf den Armen gestützte Haltung. Die Körpervorderseite weist dabei nach oben und ist möglichst gestreckt.

Inspiration for your practice
Parivritta Trikonasana Parivritta Trikonasana

Alignment Cues - Parivritta Trikonasana

Die „Gedrehte Dreieckshaltung“ ähnelt, oberflächlich betrachtet, der „Dreieckshaltung“. Doch unterscheidet sie sich von ihrer physischen Wirkung und den Besonderheiten der Ausführung grundlegend.

Inspiration for your practice
Utthita Trikonasana Utthita Trikonasana

Alignment Cues - Utthita Trikonasana

In der „Dreieckshaltung“ formt der Körper mehrere ineinander stehende annähernd gleichseitige Dreiecke. Energetisch gesehen transformiert die Haltung so Energie zwischen Himmel und Erde. Doch auf was ist körperlich zu achten?

Inspiration for your practice
Shayanasana Shayanasana

Shayanasana - The process of coming into one's own

Finding comfort while maintaining balance requires practice. Śayanāsana is the ultimate challenge of equilibrium.

Inspiration for your practice
Anjaneyāsana Anjaneyāsana

Anjaneyāsana - Learning devotion from Hanuman

Through step-by-step devoted practice of this posture and its variations you can develop a well-balanced level of flexibility.

Inspiration for your practice
Inspirational Video on Breath Inspirational Video on Breath

The Power of Breath

"Merging breath with movement for the purpose of experiencing 'Svātma', or our true essence." This is the message Ronald wants to share with us in his latest inspirational video. Here he will share his inspiration for the video and the story behind "Merging breath with movement for the purpose of experiencing 'Svātma', or our true essence." This is the message Ronald wants to share with us in his latest inspirational video. Here he will share his inspiration for the video and the story behind its creation.

Inspiration for your practice
Yoga and Karate Yoga and Karate

Ahiṁsā - The Bridge between Yoga and Karate

Martial arts and yoga are two disciplines which at first glance seem as if they were two worlds apart from one another. But after taking a closer look, it becomes apparent that they actually have quite a bit in common.

Inspiration for your practice
Wave and Breath Wave and Breath

Riding the waves of breath

“This is Breathing Yoga – Some simple stretches but intense breathing“ This is the way Sri K. Pattabhi Jois liked to describe Ashtanga Vinyasa.

Inspiration for your practice
Yoga with a Newborn Yoga with a Newborn

How come a new Mama suddenly gets a ton of new asana!

After a mother gives birth to a child, she finds not only her body has completely changed, but also that her emotions are in need of a good tune up in order to find harmony. Here we share our experiences as new parents and yogis.

Inspiration for your practice
Learning from a newborn Learning from a newborn

Can a Newborn Baby Practice Yoga? - and what we as adults can learn from them

We didn't know what to expect when we laid our two-week old son down between our mats. At first, he was just lying there, but then...

Inspiration for your practice
Mysore-style Ashtanga Yoga Mysore-style Ashtanga Yoga

Mysore-style: A Private Lesson in a Group Setting

A yoga class where hardly any words are exchanged, there is no fixed start and end time and where it seems at first that everyone is just doing whatever they want - there is no way that can work, right? Actually, yes it works perfectly well! And in a A yoga class where hardly any words are exchanged, there is no fixed start and end time and where it seems at first that everyone is just doing whatever they want - there is no way that can work, right? Actually, yes it works perfectly well! And in a surprisingly effective way, so long as you understand the 'rules' of a Mysore-style Ashtanga class.