Ashtanga Yoga - "Explore your own limits and learn how to focus your mind. Learn how to get deeper into individual positions without sustaining an injury. Learn how to meditate."

Inspiration for your practice
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What to expect?

Ashtanga Yoga is an athletic and challenging type of practice and forms the basis for almost all types of Vinyasa Yoga. By now, there are also led classes but originally Ashtanga Yoga used to be exclusively taught in the so-called "Mysore Style". This means that pupils learn a specific sequence of asanas and practice it at their own pace with the teacher moving through the room providing assistance as well as individualised advice on the personal practice. You will start a Mysore class with the so-called "first series". When the teacher thinks you're ready, you will move on to the "second series" and finally the third or even fourth series.

The practice moves in a flow without interruptions. Pupils learn to watch which feelings and thoughts form during their practice without trying to hold on to them, or to reject, analyse or criticise them. Continuous practice will allow you to bring this kind of attention and mindfulness to all other aspects of your life. This is precisely the principle K. Pattabhi Jois referred to in his famous dictum: "Do your practice and all is coming."

Teachers and Centres/Institutes

Ashtanga was developed by K. Pattabhi Jois (1915 - 2009) and is by now taught worldwide. Jois' grandson R. Sharath is currently head of the Shri K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute in Mysore, India.