Ashtanga is also known as the globally "most practiced" path of yoga and mother of modern Yoga. Find a school nearby and dive in the global network of Ashtanga Yoga.

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Network Network

A global Ashtanga Yoga energy field

Everything we do during each Ashtanga practice sends out energy, leaving an imprint on the universe. Together in our practice, yogis all over the world generate an energy pattern. Join this gigantic energy field and let it guide you through your Everything we do during each Ashtanga practice sends out energy, leaving an imprint on the universe. Together in our practice, yogis all over the world generate an energy pattern. Join this gigantic energy field and let it guide you through your personal practice. In the simple act of rolling your mat out to practice, your yoga mat becomes a sort bus stop where you can get on the Ashtanga Yoga Bus: one which will take you on the most exciting journey of your life - and which can guide you to holistic balance. Enjoy the ride! Namaste.