Subtle ProjectAhu Karan Jespersen
Strandgade 36 D 2nd floor
Copenhagen info@subtleproject.com
~ OM ~
Hi Maya,
nice to hear from you. Yes, I gonna travel to Mysore possibly this Summer. - if Sharat runs his Level 2 teachers training again and invites me again.
How about you? Would be great if we meet there. Ashtanga Yoga is growing fast in Turky, what I hear. And you are part of it. Congratulations!
Thanks a lot for your link.
I love to link to you. Here is the link to your page:
If you tell me your ZIP-Code and street I can add more accuracity to the link. Have you recieved an Authorication from Pattabhi or Sharath yet?
Love and Light
~ namaste ~
2010/8/22 Ashtanga Yoga İstanbul <maya@ashtangaistanbul.com>
Dear Ronald
I remember you well. sorry for the later response, I was away.
I will of course be willing to put your website link on my webpage as soon as I can and will be happy if you link me as well. will you be heading to India any time soon?
take care
Maya Ahu Karan
Ashtanga Yoga İstanbul
On Aug 11, 2010, at 1:40 PM, Ronald Steiner wrote:
> ~ OM ~
> Hi Maya,
> I just stumbled over your web page. So nice to see you there! Was it 2008 when we met in Mysore?
> I would love to swap links with you. A link to www.AshtangaYoga.info would be very welcome. Certainly I also love to link to your page ( ashtangaistanbul.com ) and recommend you. Sounds like a good idea?
> Maybe we meet this year again in Mysore. Probably I will be there over summer time.
> enjoy your practice
> Ronald
> ~ namaste ~