This simple technique allows the Bandhalign® method to be applied quickly throughout the whole body. By using visualization of elongation as you maintain a stable foundation, the joints find themselves optimally positioned and the fascia maintains a harmonious tension.

eLearning: Anatomie der Bewegung


Breath Description Visualization
Inhale elongation sliding into a cap or pair of shoes
Exhale magnetic pull putting on a cap or pulling on boots


  • Optimal centering of joints and equalization of pressure.
  • Avoids undue wear and tear of the joints.
  • Aligns hinge joints in one direction. 
  • Complimentary action of the muscle and fascia, instead of unnecessary pull of only the muscle or only the fascia. 


  • Create length: Drawing two poles away from one another
  • Counter-pressure: By creating counter-pressure you can allow the student to create more length
  • "Tug-of-War": Holding down the foundation so that the student can actively lenthen
  • "Knicks" (concave side) pull apart, create space
  • "Knicks" (convex side) stabilization through scruffing