4 Area Breath
Put your fist on your lower belly. It serves as a reminder to build up stability from your lower belly as well as your pelvic floor. Now slowly begin to inhale and to exhale:
- For now put your other Hand on to the upper belly. Maximize the breathing movement here.
- After a few breaths, deepen the breath even more and engage the area of your flanks also. With your hands follow along to get a better idea that also this area is moving with the breath.
- After a few breaths here, deepen your breath even further and put your hands between your shoulder blades. With the inhale the back is rounding there.
- Finally for an even deeper breath engage the upper chest. Again follow the motion of the breath with your hands.
Attention! Inhale and exhale shoud be of about the same lenghth and initiated by the movement of the upper belly.
In order to also reach the less flexible areas of breath execute a few rounds where you intermittently with the inhale separately form each other breath in all four areas. After a while return to the technique done before.
Very deep breathing and mobilization of the fascia ribbons which are stabilizing the trunk all around.

Dorsaler Press & Stretch Breath
Staying at the same seated position inhaling cross your fingers behind the back of your head. With the back of your head build up pressure against your palms of your hands.
Enjoy for five or more breaths the emerging muscle tension.
With the next exhalation pull with your hands the back of your head up and to the front while sinking your chin towards the chest . Your back is now rounded.
Lead your inhale towards the back and the exhale towards the front. As a result with the inhalation the flanks and upper back widen. On the exhalation the upper belly and upper chest draw together. Observe how through this action the dorsal fascia ribbon gains more and more pull. It shows by a stretchy feeling beginning from the eye browes over the neck all the way down to the back of the pelvis. Stay here also for five or more breaths.
Repeat this exercise 2 to 3 times.
The isometric tension at the beginning of this exercise helps to later relax the muscles. The power of the breath than mobilizes the dorsal fascia ribbon in the area of the neck.
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Banana Seesaw
In the end bring back dynamic to the neck. Your chin is lowered towards the chest. On an inhale move the chin towards the right shoulder. On an exhale come back to center. Inhale again and move the chin towards the left shoulder. Repeat this banana shaped motion for a few breaths in sync with the rhythm of the breath.
The controlled tension in connection with motion aids the neck muscles to better work together as one unit.

Side Press & Stretch Breath
From the same seated position try to keep your head up right. Now push your left hand far down towards the floor. With your thumb and index finger of your right hand reach around the right ear and press the rest of the fingers and palm against the side of the head. Enjoy for five or more breaths the emerging tension of the right neck muscles.
With the next exhale reach with your left hand over your head and touch the right ear. - Like at the old school test. Pull up the temple with this hand and tilt your head to the left. At the same time push your right hand deep down towards the floor to create a stretch.
Now deepen your inhale to the right area und exhale out the left area. Observe how the right fascia ribbon builds up more and more tension. This can be noticed by a stretchy sensation beginning from the right temple over the side of the neck and the rib points all the way down to the side. Also remain here deeply breathing for five or more breaths.
Now repeat this exercise on the other side.
The isometric tension at the beginning of this exercise helps to later relax the muscles. The power of the breath than mobilizes the side fascia ribbon of the area of the neck.

Reverse Bikram Breath
Eine ganz ähnliche Übung ist aus dem Bikram Yoga bekannt. Doch die Ausführung dieser Übung ist im Grunde genau anders herum. Sie geht wie folgt:
Sitze aufrecht. Falte Deine Hände und drücke mit dem Kinn gegen die gefalteten Hände. Schiebe mit den Ellenbogen nahe zusammen einatmend Dein Kinn unter dessen Gegendruck nach oben.
Öffne dann ausatmend Deinen Mund weit. Strecke Deine Zunge heraus. Drücke Dein Kinn kraftvoll gegen die Hände. Öffne die Ellenbogen und gebe sie über die Ohren, während Du Dein Kinn unter Gegendruck der verschränkten Finger nach unten bewegst.
If the neck muscles are tensed up, often the front of the neck is weak, there are the so called infrahyal muscles. The dis-balance often leads to a change in the statics of the cervical spine. The Head moves forward. The neck has to carry more wight and tenses up even more. This vicious circle can be broken with this exercise, which strengthens the muscles in the front of the neck and activates the infrahyal muscles.

Seated Shoulder circeling
Stay seated with your spine upright. Circle the shoulders on an inhalation back, down and lengthen them. Circle the shoulders on an exhalation to the front towards the ears.
This exercise strengthens and mobilizes the entire musculature guiding the shoulder blade. This way the neck musculature obtains a stable basis an can do it's job in harmonically.

Shoulder circeling on all fours
Come on to all fours. Inhaling circle the shoulders towards the floor, exhaling the shoulders back up again.
This exercise strengthens and mobilizes the entire musculature guiding the shoulder blade. This way the neck musculature obtains a stable basis an can do it's job in harmonically.
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No picture available for this exercise at the moment
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Shoulder circeling in Down Dog
Come to Down Dog. On the inhale circle the shoulders from the front and elongate towards the floor, exhale back and return.
This exercise strengthens and mobilizes the entire musculature guiding the shoulder blade. This way the neck musculature obtains a stable basis an can do it's job in harmonically.

Flying Dolphin
Come to kneeling and put your forearms on the floor and interlace your fingers. Stretch your legs and bring your hips up high.
Exhaling lower your chin slowly down. -Slide yourself back up on the Inhalation. Repeat this exercise until a comfortable fatigue occurs in the throat/neck area.
For a healthy and relaxed neck not only flexibility is needed but also strong muscles. The strength we build up effectively through the exercise described here.