Winding Cat
Exhaling move in a round back and inhaling into a back bend. Build in this movment carried by a slow breath winding movements along your spine. Notice which areas of your spine are more and which are less flexible. Try to especially loosen those areas which are less flexible through the winding movements.
From there relax your back and stay standing on all fours. Now move your back nice and easy in all directions you can think of and feel right to you
Stiffness in certain areas of the spine leads to hypermobility on others. Only a harmonic and at the same time evenly smooth spine feels really good.

Cat presses
Starting on all fours Keep your spine at neutral. Slightly lift your left knee of the Floor and press with your right Hand against it form the front. Stay in this static positions for about 5 or more calm breaths.
With the diagonal pressure against the knee the diagonal belly muscles get aktivated. This action reduces the pressure for the lumbar spine and is essential for a healthy back. This exsercise is highly effective because it brings length to the entire spine and leads to harmonisation of how the vertebra stand towards each other. It also evens out pressure of the discs among each other.

Cat streches
Remain in a neutral position with your spine while on all fours. Now stretch the left leg back horizontally and at the same time lift the streched out right arm up horizontally. Now from the center of your body elongate as much as possible diagonally on both directions. Stay in this pose for 5 or more slow breaths.
In contrast to the exercise before we are now aktivating the musculature oftrunk with this one extending the mid section by itself. So this exercise complements to one before perfectly. It is an essential continuation of the exercise done before to ensure a lasting effect.

Cat chops wood
Remain in this elongated position with the stretched out arm and leg. Stretch even further and move your arm and leg up and down quickly. Keep this quick movement for 5 ore more calm breaths.
In every day life our trunk and back muscles have to buffer various movements in different directions precisely. With this exercise we promote that ability, making the strength developed from the exercises before availabe for daily activities.

Cat in Paradise
Now follow your breath. Exhaling pull your right ellbow to your left knee as close as possible. Inhaling stretch out diagonally. Repeat this motion evenly keeping a smooth slow breathing rhythm until a comfortable fatigue occurs in your lower back.
Diese Übung kräftigt dynamisch die tiefste Rückenmuskulatur. Durch die diagonale Bewegung spricht sie diese so an wie wir sie im Alltag auch benötigen. Wohl eine der effektivsten Übungen überhaupt für einen gesunden Rücken.
Other side
Repeat the whole sequence on the other side, beginning with the winding cat.