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Searched for 6.6.
  • Rohkost Pita Brot

    Shop    ▸   Superfood

    sonnengetrockneten Tomaten und Kräutern reich an Omega-6- und Omega-3-Fettsäuren reich an Ballaststoffen und

  • Bio Kokoswasser

    Shop    ▸   Superfood

    0,1 g < 0,1 g Kohlenhydrate davon Zucker 3,7 g 3,6 g Eiweiß 0,1 g Salz 0,06 g Das könnte Dich auch i

  • Shavasana

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Traditional Practice Series    ▸   Finishing

    beginnt direkt im neutralen Stand. Vinyāsa 1 bis 6 Folge dem Dir bereits bekannten Bewegungsfluss bis

  • Arm & Hand - <b>eMTC</b>

    Workshops and Teacher Training    ▸   Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

    (MTC) eMTC: Faszien - Netzwerk unseres Körpers 13.-14.6.2020 Dr. Ronald Steiner & more 20 EU Faszien: Ein [...] und Körperhaltung - Die Polarität des Lebens 27.-28.6.2020 Dr. Ronald Steiner 20 EU Egal ob Du gerade erst

  • 'Tension Helix' Breath - Stability for your body

    Yoga Therapie

    into your hands to lift the ribs laterally (Fig. 6). Take the breath even further towards the back body [...] Four zone breathing – the upper abdomen first Fig. 6: Four zone breathing – side body as second area Fig

  • Dorsal Fascia: directing the stretch

    Yoga Therapie

    flexible along the entire right side of the body. Figure 6: Seated forward bend with stretch at the lumbar spine [...] straighten the legs out as much as possible (Fig. 6). Figure 10: Standing forward bend with stretch in

  • The Extracellular Matrix (ECM) - The ocean within!

    Yoga Therapie

    forward in the direction as far as you can. Figure 6: Myofascial rolling technique on right arm If you [...] Continue rolling up and downward a few times (Fig. 6). Effect: Both the rolling technique and the alternative

  • Fascia-Yoga: Balancing the back body

    Yoga Therapie

    effect. It's an optimal combination. Shavasana Fig 6: Constructive rest This is certainly a challenging [...] from the body with the palms facing upwards(Fig. 6). If for any reason this position is not comfortable

  • Dynamic helical tension – energetic vibration for a healthy body

    Yoga Therapie

    Oberster Punkt der Bewegung [Translate to English:] Bild 6: Dreh-Ameise – Unterster Punkt der Bewegung Now lift [...] pivot on the standing foot and hand downward (Fig. 6). Alternate from side to side. With a bit of practice

  • AYI Inspired

    Workshops and Teacher Training    ▸   AYI(R) Teacher Training   ▸   Inspired Teacher Training

    eine die Gesundheit fördernde Praxis aufzubauen. 6 AYI® Methode erfahren: Praxis, Tradition und Philosophie [...] Ausbildungswochen beginnen jeweils am ersten Tag um 6:00 Uhr und enden am letzten Tag um 17:00 Uhr . Im