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Searched for 6.6.
  • Frontal Fascia: Steering the Stretch

    Yoga Therapie

    calm breaths and enjoy the stretch (Fig. 3). Figure 6: Urdhva Dhanurasana – Stretch focused at the hip joint [...] come into the smaller version of this backbend (Fig. 6). Figure 9: Urdhva Dhanurasana - Stretch distributed

  • Inspired

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   AYI(R) Teacher Training   ▸   Inspired Teacher Training

    4.2016 - - 20 UE 29.4.-1.5.2016 - - 30 UE 25.-26.6.2016 - - 20 UE 16.-17.7.2016 - - 20 UE 16.-18.9.2016

  • Fundamentals: Alignment im Ashtanga Yoga

    Ashtanga Yoga   ▸   Online Yoga classes

    Werktage) Gasthörer werden 9,99 € *tax included 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

  • Thoracic spine Sequence - Bonding

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    Minute 5:50 – Four-Area-Breath (all four) Minute 6:17 – Breath observation on all fours Minute 10:15

  • SVU 2 Rez

    Philosophy    ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit    ▸   Shvetashvatara Upanishad    ▸   SVU 2 (Ronald, Nils Jacob)

    somo yatratirichyate; tatra sanjayate manah ||"6""||
    सोमो यत्रातिरिच्यते तत्र संजायते मनः ॥"६""॥
    somo yatrātiricyate; tatra saṁjāyate manaḥ ॥"6""॥

  • Ein Nachruf

    Philosophy   ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    Tradition The origins of Ashtanga Yoga (Part 1/3) 1.6.2013 Dr. Ronald Steiner »Never changed anything« –

  • Sanskrit / Devanagari problem solving

    Philosophy   ▸   Sanskrit and Devanagari

    Devanagari (देवनागरी , Devanāgarī) : Internet Explorer 6: Extras (Tools) -> Internet options -> General ->

  • Strandretreat

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Events   ▸   Retreats

    • Dünentherme: Sauna, Schwimmbad und Wellness auf 6.500 qm! (2,5h täglich sind im Reisepreis enthalten)

  • Summer Retreat

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Events   ▸   Retreats

    departure: 50% 14 to 7 days before departure: 75% 6 to 2 days before departure: 90% 1 day before departure

  • YogaEasy Allstars

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Events   ▸   Retreats

    Fakten... 6 Tage Yoga 12 Yogastunden pro Tag 12 Top Yogalehrer 5 Sterne Hotel Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene