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Tradition The origins of Ashtanga Yoga (Part 1/3) 1.6.2013 Dr. Ronald Steiner »Never changed anything« –
My AYI ▸ My E-Learning||6||~~ Wohlan! Ich will dir auslegen Brahman, ewig,
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Mehr Beweglichkeit im Rücken. Messages and ratings 6 Messages Average rating: Your rating: Katja Kuhn at
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ripens like corn, like corn he springs up again 6 . #MM 6 : Sasya, corn rather than grass; -, -, Benfey; [...] possibly the same as Uddâlaka. See Brih. r. Up. III, 6, 1.
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As the TRIKA-6 training comes to an end, graduates are presented with a new start with so many possibilities