Melanie Taapken
Having successfully completed more than 1200 hours of Yoga Teacher Training and looking back on more than 20 years of teaching yoga, Melanie is a highly experienced teacher, mentor for yoga teachers and teacher trainer.
Not only on the basis of her university studies in Education and Psychology, but also as a former international Manager and as a mother of 2, she is well aware of the daily challenges her clients face. That's why she carefully chooses appropriate yoga tools that guide the practitioner through challenging times and help them find their balance and strength and help reduce suffering.
Her own path finally led her to Svastha Yoga, having experienced a number of well known yoga-styles - among them Ron Steiners Ashtanga Yoga Innovation and YT modules as well as advanced teacher trainings with Indian teachers like Desikachar and a multi-year teacher training on yoga and Ayurveda with the Mohans. On the basis of traditional teachings of T. Krishnamacharya, she developed unique yoga concepts for beginners and yoga teachers to enable them to ground and develop their knowledge and skills in a deeply rooted holistic approach.
Melanie teaches in German or English and speaks Spanish.