Philosophy and Tradition No Change? 1.7.2014 Nadine Binias Ashtanga yoga is known to be extremely challenging and structured. Nevertheless, it leaves room for development. A conversation about tradition and innovation, about misunderstandings and typical Western thinking towards Ashtanga yoga, with teachers Ashtanga yoga is known to be extremely challenging and structured. Nevertheless, it leaves room for development. A conversation about tradition and innovation, about misunderstandings and typical Western thinking towards Ashtanga yoga, with teachers Ronald Steiner and Janosh Steinhauer.
Philosophy and Tradition In a few words 1.10.2014 Dr. Ronald Steiner The Yoga-Aktuell interview with Dr. Ronald Steiner
Philosophy and Tradition A vivid tradition (part 3/3) Dr. Ronald Steiner Ashtanga Yoga practice is characterised by both a universal tradition and regional as well as individual differences. Up to a certain degree, many practitioners of Ashtanga Yoga feel at home in the world.
Philosophy and Tradition The Founding Fathers of Ashtanga Yoga (Part 2/3) Dr. Ronald Steiner In almost any German city, there is by now at least one school that inscribes itself in the tradition of Ashtanga Yoga. This yoga style shaped to such a great extent by Pattabhi Jois has also found a home in several other Western countries.
Philosophy and Tradition The origins of Ashtanga Yoga (Part 1/3) Dr. Ronald Steiner »Never changed anything« – was Pattabhi Jois's standard reply when asked by pupils where the type of yoga he taught came from. Pattabhi always referred to his teacher T. Krishnamacharya, who, by his own account, had taught him everything and whose »Never changed anything« – was Pattabhi Jois's standard reply when asked by pupils where the type of yoga he taught came from. Pattabhi always referred to his teacher T. Krishnamacharya, who, by his own account, had taught him everything and whose knowledge he passed on in an unchanged form.
Philosophy and Tradition The yoga treasure vault 1.1.2013 Verena Kling When you have already spent some time on the yoga journey, you might ask yourself at a certain point whether you might now feel "advanced". In an interview with the YOGA JOURNAL Ronald Steiner, author of the book "Yoga für Fortgeschrittene“ (Yoga When you have already spent some time on the yoga journey, you might ask yourself at a certain point whether you might now feel "advanced". In an interview with the YOGA JOURNAL Ronald Steiner, author of the book "Yoga für Fortgeschrittene“ (Yoga for Advanced Practitioners) written in cooperation with fellow yoga teacher and author Anna Trökes, answers this question and explains how a deeper understanding of yoga can be achieved...
Philosophy and Tradition The complexity of the exercise is not significant 14.6.2012 Jürgen Wegner When we talk about yoga, Dr. Ronald Steiner is currently one of the most sought-after people in Germany. The Byoga Studio in Sindelfingen, which is now under a new management and places its focus on the so-called Ashtanga, is right to his taste. For When we talk about yoga, Dr. Ronald Steiner is currently one of the most sought-after people in Germany. The Byoga Studio in Sindelfingen, which is now under a new management and places its focus on the so-called Ashtanga, is right to his taste. For this reason, the Ulm-based expert was happy to drop in on the opening day.