Gleichwie ein Spiegel, der mit Staub bedeckt war,
Wie Feuerschein erglänzt, wenn er gereinigt,
So wird nur, wer erkannt der Seele Wesen,
Des Ziels teilhaftig und befreit von Kummer.
Paul Deussen - 1897
As a metal disk (mirror), tarnished by dust, shines bright again after it has been cleaned, so is the one incarnate person satisfied and free from grief, after he has seen the real nature of the Self 4.
Max Müller - 1879
4: | Pareshâm pâthe tadvat sa tattvam prasamîkshya dehîti. |
Wem seiner Seele Wesen ward zur Fackel,
Im Yoga Brahman's Wesen zu erschauen,
Fest, ewig, rein von allen Daseinsformen, –
Wer so den Gott weiß, der wird frei von Banden.
Paul Deussen - 1897
And when by means of the real nature of his self he sees, as by a lamp, the real nature of Brahman, then having known the unborn, eternal god, who is beyond all natures 1, he is freed from all fetters.
Max Müller - 1879
1: | Sarvatattvair avidyâtatkâryair visuddham asamsprishtam. |
Er ist der Gott in allen Weltenräumen,
Vormals geboren und im Mutterleibe;
Er ward geboren, wird geboren werden,
Ist in den Menschen und allgegenwärtig.
Paul Deussen - 1897
He indeed is the god who pervades all regions: he is the first-born (as Hiranyagarbha), and he is in the womb. He has been born, and he will be born 2. He stands behind all persons, looking everywhere.
Max Müller - 1879
2: | This verse is found in the Vâg. Samh. XXXII, 4; Taitt. r. X, 1, 3, with slight modifications. The Vâgasaneyins read esho ha (so do A. B.) for esha hi; sa eva gâtah (A. B.) for sa vigâtah; ganâs (A. B.) for ganâms. The ranyaka has sa vigâyamânah for sa vigâtah, pratyaṅmukhâs for pratyañganâms, and visvatomukhah for sarvatomukhah. Colebrooke (Essays, I, 57) gives a translation of it. If we read ganâh, we must take it as a vocative. |
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