Questions from days gone by – still alive in the here and now
Yoga is over 3,000 years old. The various practice forms that have developed since then couldn't be more different. Still, they all have one thing in common: their search for a core or true self. AYInnovation® honours these ancient roots but at the same time draws attention to the intrinsic liveliness of any tradition. This underlying principle links the old and the new by combining the traditional Ashtanga Yoga practice system with the latest scientific findings, especially from the fields of medicine, movement studies and psychology.
We say YES to life!
Completely in tune with tantric philosophy, AYInnovation® affirms the natural life force. Our practice cultivates balance as the essence of vitality.
AYI® Techniques - Precise. Holistic. Balancing.
The traditional practice system – feeling at home in the large Ashtanga family
In a dynamic and flowing way, AYInnovation® builds on the style of Ashtanga Yoga shaped by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois: the traditional practice series and the rhythm of motion are combined with a new precision. The age-old techniques of vinyasa, bandha and drishti are employed to create a meditation borne by the breath. The teaching style generally known as "Mysore Style“ allows you to practice together with others but still in an individual form with the assistance of your teacher.
Innovative modifications – your individual practice
Systematically and in tune with the latest insights from movement physiology but still within the traditional framework: AYInnovation® offers you tailor-made options to perform individual exercises. This approach allows you to develop your own, highly individual yoga practice adapted to your personal needs - from therapeutic-preventive to athletic-acrobatic.
Yoga therapy – because yoga should promote holistic health
Yoga therapy by AYInnovation® always focuses on holistic mental and physical wellbeing. In order to address specific physical or psychological aspects, the AYI® Method combines effective therapeutic sequences with the holistic curing effects of yoga practice in general.
Bandhalign® – the art of alignment
Bandhalign® is based on the techniques of bandha as described in the ancient Hatha Yoga texts. On this basis, and in combination with the latest scientific insights and findings, it creates the art of alignment. The main idea is to cultivate balance in all aspects of the self - i.e. on a physical level but also mentally and emotionally. Whatever your starting point may be – each conscious step towards more balance will have effects on your entire self and always touch the other levels as well.