The sound of Sanskrit is recorded in exact detail in the Devanagari writing system. Consciously pronouncing those sounds can turn into a form of meditation. Grammar and words will provide you access to the yoga source texts and yoga terminology. You will quickly feel familiar with this terminology since Sanskrit is the oldest "child" of an assumed Indo-European original language.

Sanskrit and Devanagari
Sanskrit Pronunciation Sanskrit Pronunciation

Saṁskr̥t pronunciation – Meditation. Precision. Lucidity.

The sound of the Saṁskr̥t language has an deep effect on our mind. It's conscious articulation can become a meditation on sound. Mantras and slokas will reveal their lucid beauty.

Sanskrit and Devanagari
Devanagari scripture Devanagari scripture

Devanāgarī scripture - learn reading and writing

Devanāgarī is sound transformed to letters. It represents the precise pronunciation of Saṁskr̥t. It's writing can become meditation - Devanāgarī is easier than you might think...

Sanskrit and Devanagari
Transliteration of Devanagari Transliteration of Devanagari

Transliteration of Devanāgarī - bring Saṁkr̥t into a script you're familiar with

Transliteration means transferring the script of one writing system into the script of another. Make Saṁkr̥t easy (simplified) and use diacritical marks to describe pronunciation (IAST, ISO15919) or type Sanskrit transliterations directly into Transliteration means transferring the script of one writing system into the script of another. Make Saṁkr̥t easy (simplified) and use diacritical marks to describe pronunciation (IAST, ISO15919) or type Sanskrit transliterations directly into your keyboard (Velthuis, ITRANS, Harvard-Kyoto, SPF1).

Sanskrit and Devanagari
Sanskrit Sandhi Sanskrit Sandhi

Saṁdhi: Pronuncation and spelling of words and sentences

For a long time, Saṁskr̥t was exclusively passed on via oral recitation. Saṁdhi, an impressive collection of rules, deals with the question of how words melt into each other for a more melodic pronunciation.

Sanskrit and Devanagari
Sanskrit Metren Sanskrit Metren

Saṁskr̥t Metren

Viele Saṁskr̥t-Quelltexte des Yoga sind in einem Versmaß bzw. Metrum verfasst. So entsteht beim Aussprechen eine rhythmische Harmonie.

Sanskrit and Devanagari
saṁskr̥ta" alt="Compounds in saṁskr̥ta" src="/fileadmin/_processed_/1/9/csm_KompositaHeaderAI_V2_57cadae231.jpg" width="300" height="140" /> saṁskr̥ta" alt="Compounds in saṁskr̥ta" src="/fileadmin/_processed_/1/9/csm_KompositaHeaderAI_V2_f86668713f.jpg" width="300" height="300" />

Compounds in saṁskr̥ta

Compounds, or compound words, are a defining feature in Sanskrit literature. Unlike in German, where they represent a word formation, they form a complex structure with multiple meanings in Sanskrit.

Sanskrit and Devanagari
Deklination Deklination


Im Sanskrit können Substantive je nach Endung und Geschlecht (Genus) unterschiedlich in Fall (Casus) und Anzahl (Numerus) dekliniert werden.

Sanskrit and Devanagari
Pronomen Pronomen


Im Sanskrit gehören Pronomen in das Nominalsystem. Sie können folglich nach Geschlecht (Genus), Fall (Casus) und Anzahl (Numerus) dekliniert werden.

Sanskrit and Devanagari
Konjugation Konjugation


Im Sanskrit können Verben je nach Klasse (1-10) unterschiedlich in Person, Numerus, Tempus, Generus und Modus konjugiert werden.

Sanskrit and Devanagari
Verbalwurzeln Verbalwurzeln


Fast alle Worte des Sanskrit lassen sich aus Verbalwurzeln ableiten, bzw. auf diese zurückführen. Nur eine überschaubare Anzahl an Verbalwurzeln bildet so die immense Zahl an Sanskrit Worten.

Sanskrit and Devanagari

Fonts - Schriften für Devanagari und Lautschrift (ISO 15919)

Some fonts supporting Devanagari and Roman transcription with diacritical marks (ISO15919).