Half vowel, half consonant. Although semivowels are not produced with pressure of plosive sounds, they also do not form independent syllables in the way vowels do.
Draw a left bow from the top left to the left centre, followed by another bow to the top right and a vertical line down.
Draw the horizontal line from left to right over the letter.
ya as in Jakob or the Sanskrit Yoga
palatal place of articulation
र / ra
Draw a doubly curved line from the top to the bottom centre.
Draw the horizontal line from left to right over the letter.
ra as in Rollen, rot
retroflex (behind the front teeth) place of articulation
ल / la
Start at the bottom and clockwise draw a heart-shaped line, which remains open at the bottom.
Place a short vertical line on top of the right bow.
Draw the horizontal line from left to right over the letter.
la as in Land
dental (between the teeth) place of articulation
व / va
Draw the following lines without stopping: start at the centre and draw an anticlockwise circle followed by a vertical upward line and a vertical line down.
Draw the horizontal line from left to right over the letter.