- Start on the top left with two downward sweeping bows.
- Start again at the midst of the upper bow and move almost horizontally to the right.
In order to avoid having to stop, draw a bow-shaped upwards turn and then move down vertically from the top point of change. - Complete the letter with the horizontal line on top.
Please note: this line is not drawn over the entire letter but only over the second part.
- a short guttural a as in Apfel
- guttural place of articulation
- Draw the curved line from top to bottom without stopping.
- Place the horizontal line on top.
- a short i as in Iltis
- palatal place of articulation
- Draw both bows from top to bottom without stopping.
- Draw the horizontal line over the letter.
- a short u as in Ulrich
- labial place of articulation
- Start on the left with a small bow.
- Draw a line from left to right below, with the two lines touching on the right.
- Draw a vertical line from top to bottom at the point of contact.
- Draw a curved line starting at the point of contact.
- Draw the horizontal line from left to right over the letter.
- a short r̥ sonant as in Sanskrit: Kr̥ṣṇa
- retroflex (behind the front teeth) place of articulation
- Start clockwise down at the bottom with a heart-shaped line ending with a bow to the right.
- Place a short vertical line on top of the right bow.
- Draw the horizontal line from left to right over the letter.
- a short l̥ sonant as in the English table
- dental (between the teeth) place of articulation
Linked vowels
The letters shown above are only used at the beginning of words. For vowels within words, the letters are linked directly to the preceding consonant. Find here the example of the क / ka:
- क / ka: The so-called inherent a. If not marked otherwise, all consonants are followed by an a vowel in Devanagari script.
- कि / ki: The short i is pronounced after the consonant (in this case a k), but the letter is added before the k.
- कु / ku
- कृ / kr̥
- कॣ / kl̥̄