Some have altered states starting from birth (janma). For others, this altered perception will arise from the use of mind-altering substances (oṣadhi), the recitation of mantras (mantra) or extreme experiences (tapas). For you as a Yogin, it arises through the experience of complete unity (samādhi).
Dr. Ronald Steiner - modern transfer
Supernatural abilities arise from birth (janma), through medicinal herbs (oṣadhi), through divine sayings (mantra), through asceticism (tapas) and complete unity states (samadhi).
Dr. Ronald Steiner - historic word by word translation
Die übernatürlichen Vollkommenheiten können beruhen auf Angeborensein, Heilkräutern, Zaubersprüchen, Askese und Versenkung. [Das letzte ist der Fall beim Yogin.]
Paul Deussen - 1908
Perfection are produced by birth, herbs (of mysterious virtue) incantations, penances and meditations.
James R. Ballantyne - 1852
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