Every person perceived an object or a situation (vastu) in very different ways because each individual perspective is modified by their impressions- that is, an individually shaped perceptual space.
Dr. Ronald Steiner - modern transfer
While an object is (vastu) equal [exists], [there is] a separate development of both [object and perceptual space] due to the differences in perceptual spaces (citta).
Dr. Ronald Steiner - historic word by word translation
Weil bei Identität des Objektiven die Citta’s [in den verschiedenen Subjekten] verschieden sind, schlagen beide verschiedene Wege ein [kann die Anschauung desselben Objektes eine verschiedene sein] x.
Paul Deussen - 1908
x: | Hier folgt bei Vyâsa das bei Bhoja fehlende Sûtram, welches eine Polemik gegen die Vedântalehre von der Idealität der Außenwelt enthält: na ca ekacitta-tantraṃ vastu, tad apramâṇakaṃ, tadâ kim syât, "Auch ist das Objekt nicht allein vom Bewußtsein abhängig, weil dies unbeweisbar ist; und was würde die Folge sein?" - Wir behalten im folgenden die Zählung des Bhoja bei. |
The course of these two (that is, the thing and the object) is distinct, for there is a diversity of thoughts regarding one thing.
James R. Ballantyne - 1852
An object or situation (vastu) can be experienced very differently by the perceptual spaces (citta) of different people. It persists even when not noticed.
Dr. Ronald Steiner - modern transfer
An object (vastu) is also not dependent on a single perceptual space (citta). That is not provable. What would then happen 123?
Dr. Ronald Steiner - historic word by word translation
1: | In the version of the Yoga Sūtra based on the commentator Bhoja, this sentence is missing. It is, however, included in the Vyāsa version. |
2: | In some manuscripts the ced and sometimes also the vastu is not included. This does not significantly change the translation. |
3: | Here Patañjali contradicts the Vedanta philosophy again. The world and its objects are not mere illusions, but are fundamentally real. They are only ever-changing and are perceived differently. |
Auch ist das Objekt nicht allein vom Bewußtsein abhängig, weil dies unbeweisbar ist; und was würde die Folge sein x?
Paul Deussen - 1908
x: | Übersetzung von Deussen in Fußnote zu Sutra 4.15 |
-- not translated --.
James R. Ballantyne - 1852
You only perceive objects and situations (vastu) if they resonate within your personal perceptual space (citta).#RSm
Because of the tint of expectation (uparāgāpekṣitva) on this [object (vastu), arises] recognition (jñāta) or non-recognition (ajñāta) of the object (vastu) in the perceptual space (citta) of a person. RSw
Weil das Cittam von dem Objekte erst überfärbt werden muß, ist das Objekt bekannt oder nicht bekannt.
Paul Deussen - 1908
An object is known or unknown to the mind inasmuch as the tint of the object is required (to it).
James R. Ballantyne - 1852
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