The unchangeable essence of being (puruṣa) can only perceive itself through reflection in a changeable perceptual space (citta).
Dr. Ronald Steiner - modern transfer
When the untouched mind (citi) [, the essence of being (puruṣa)] changes into the form of this [perceptual space (citta)], awareness arises from one’s own rationality (sva-buddhi).
Dr. Ronald Steiner - historic word by word translation
Indem der unwandelbare Purusha in die Gestalt seines Cittam eingeht, gelangt er zum Bewußtsein seiner eigenen Buddhi.
Paul Deussen - 1908
The self-knowledge of cognition takes place when the intelligence (soul) which is non-transeunt acquires the shape of understanding.
James R. Ballantyne - 1852
In your perceptual space (citta) you recognize one one hand the outside world, on the other hand a reflection of your true nature.
Dr. Ronald Steiner - modern transfer
The perceptual space (citta) [is] colored by the visible (dr̥śi) [object (vastu)] and through the seeing (draṣṭr̥) [essence of being (puruṣa)]. [So the perceptual space (citta) is able to fulfill] all purposes (sarva-artha).
Dr. Ronald Steiner - historic word by word translation
Überfärbt von dem Purusha und dem Objekte, wird das Cittam fähig, alle Zwecke zu vollbringen.
Paul Deussen - 1908
The thinking principle (i.e. intellect) tinged by the knower and the knowledge is the totality of objects.
James R. Ballantyne - 1852
The real purpose of the perceptual space (citta) is to discern between the essence of being (puruṣa) and the innumerable impressions (vāsanā) with which it is filled.
Dr. Ronald Steiner - modern transfer
Although this [perceptual space (citta) is filled with countless impressions (vāsanā), [it] has a different purpose (parārtha), the initiation of the connection [of the perceptual space (citta) and the essence of being (puruṣa)].
Dr. Ronald Steiner - historic word by word translation
Obgleich das Cittam mit unzähligen Eindrücken erfüllt ist, dient es doch nur einem fremden Zwecke, weil es als ein Aggregat wirkt.
Paul Deussen - 1908
Though variegated by innumerable impressions (mental deposits) it exists for the sake of another because it operates in association.
James R. Ballantyne - 1852
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