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  • 26.6.16 Sampurna

    Community   ▸   Network

    Also, we would like to send our best wishes for the future and are already looking forward to many more [...] Our "second home" Arriving at Sampurna feels a bit like entering a different world where you can leave the [...] been at Sampurna yet, now have the chance to take a look during the open day. And who knows - maybe you'll

  • More than skin-deep

    Yoga Therapie

    do you feel? Stable and unwavering like a sequoia or wobbly like a willow… or something else? What thoughts [...] we have a basis with which to start from, I would like to invite you to mindfully take on a new role with [...] studio or during private sessions. I felt wobbly like a palm tree, I had the sense that my feet were falling

  • Mysore Yoga Traditions - Official Trailer

    Yoga Therapie   ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    generations? Furthermore, what does the community look like today and who are its central representatives [...] Traditions" helps to provide us with a more in-depth look at the practice. Details Length 4:55 Minutes for [...] Traditions" presents us with a unique, behind-the-scenes look at Ashtanga yoga, while at the same time shedding

  • Empathizing with other people

    Community   ▸   Network

    yoga practice look like? Which techniques are you currently practicing? Would you like to share your [...] ...even if - from the outside - it might look as if I was always doing the same thing ... Melanie You [...] depth. During meditation, I opened my eyes what felt like every 30 seconds, wondering how all the others managed

  • You, tradition and the yoga-mat

    Philosophy   ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    need proof? From one point of view, life is like looking through a kaleidoscope. You see wonderful colors [...] a Russian accent it sounds like this: „Ashtanga-Yoga very practical – like a Kalaschnikow!“ Therefore [...] has been practiced for thousands of years, just like today. To be a part of a tradition that was practiced

  • 3.10.16 Interview with Prem Carlisi

    Philosophy   ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    ” He was like something out of a storybook, wearing a white shirt with glasses on, looking really in [...] most ridiculous thing of Ashtanga. I don’t like it, I don’t like led class! It’s not correct – to the contrary [...] 55 MINUTES! We were like “What the hell is going on here?” It was hilarious, like circus. Everyone started

  • Moving – Vinyasa

    Ashtanga Yoga   ▸   Inspiration for your practice

    (movement) connects the individual postures (Asana) like pearls on a garland. The Ujjayi breath runs evenly [...] through the movements (Vinyasa) and postures (Asanas), like the thread in the centre of the garland. This sequence [...] you can ride effortlessly along the garland. It is like using the body to pray with a rosary. Your thoughts

  • The complexity of the exercise is not significant

    Philosophy   ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    seriousness but also serenity - just like in life in general. Even if it looks difficult: For Dr. Ronald Steiner [...] similar to other things in life. You like some asanas, you don't like others. The main thing is to meet [...] virtually impossible. (Image: Wegner) Not all exercises look very pleasant. Dr. Ronald Steiner: "No, but that's

  • Don't fear the Yoga Sutra!

    Philosophy   ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    a commentary on it. It was really like peering through the looking glass. Before, Pattabhi Jois's famous [...] things into perspective: the dog barks, I look up and I feel like scolding the dog but then I don't. Instead [...] Ashtangi has to approach this book. Through the Looking Glass My experience with the Yoga Sutra was in

  • Mysore-style Ashtanga Yoga

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Inspiration for your practice

    time and practice. Depending on what your day looks like and what appointments have, you could arrive [...] switched from studying Sanskrit to teaching asana. "I like the peace in the room. Having a job that requires [...] becoming suddenly neurotic. In practicing, I would like to liberate myself of the burdens of the past and