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  • Dentals

    Philosophy    ▸   Sanskrit and Devanagari    ▸   Sanskrit Pronunciation

    vowels - the "l sonant" l̥ / l̥̄: This sound is used in hardly any Western language. To produce it, slightly

  • Chaui-Berlinck_2017.pdf

    compartment, Vj, of the system: VT ¼ X Vj: ð1Þ We use the Hagen–Poiseuille model to describe flow between [...] fixed force is exerted by a ventricular chamber We use the subscript k to indicate the parameters and the [...] systemic vascular bed (S), right ventricle (D – we use D for dextral instead of R, to avoid confusion with

  • Empathizing with other people

    Community   ▸   Network

    inside each and every day. Melanie: Have you already used yoga in a therapeutical way to restore your physical

  • AYI Interview with Ulrich Schäfer

    Community   ▸   Network

    well? Ulli: I'm not as resolute on winning as I used to be. Now it's more about the pleasure of playing

  • Anjaneyāsana

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Inspiration for your practice

    Bring the stretch into the front of the back hip by using your hands to adjust your placement as in the previous

  • Tattvas in Tantrism

    Philosophy    ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    Īśvara is attributed with knowing the subtle pattern used in the creation of the universe. This knowledge [...] and presents challenges. Yet, this very force is used by the Divine to reveal itself. Māyā , in its divine

  • The right twist for a healthy back

    Yoga Therapie

    sudden, shooting pain after a movement we're not used to, usually a combination of frontbend, sidebend

  • Aufgaben und Materialien zur Vertiefung (3. Woche)

    My AYI    ▸   My E-Learning

    MTC The Art of Adjustments - Fundamentals for using tactile impulses in your teaching Adjustments are

  • AYInnovation® at Mattengold (Stuttgart)

    Community   ▸   Network

    Ashtanga Yoga Innovation practice. Ronald Steiner uses the term Bandhalign ® , the art of alignement via

  • Relax and Restore during Pregnancy

    Yoga Therapie

    in turn also allow you to mentally relax. You can use the practice to consciously give yourself a few extra