Philosophy ▸ Source texts and Sanskrit ▸ Shvetashvatara Upanishad: Zwischen Sankhya und Vedanta ▸ Shvetashvatara Upnishad Kapitel 3: Vom Wandel zum Absoluten um uns (Brahman) und in uns (Purusha) (Ronald, Nils Jacob)
<Cf. Taitt. r. X, 71 (Anuv. 38, p. 858). Kath. Up. IV, 12-13; above, p. 16.> The Person has a thousand [...] Cf. Taitt. r. X, 71 (Anuv. 38, p. 858). Kath. Up. IV, 12-13; above, p. 16. Though in the nine-gated city [...] one's finger. See Yoga-sûtras, ed. Rajendralal Mitra, p. 121. It has a hand and foot on every side, On every
Philosophy ▸ Source texts and Sanskrit ▸ Mantra
nom sg) bewirkt das Entstehen (samudayati | 3p sg caus) – irgendwann (yatra) möge [diese Gruppe] [...] (viśrāntim | acc sg) erreichen (r̥cched | 3p sg opt). Dr. Ronald Steiner - 2022