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  • pr2015177a.pdf

    ) −0 .0 50 .1 2 0. 05 −0 .0 20 .0 2 0. 01 0. 01 −0 .1 70. 06 −0 .0 5 0. 13 -- - 39 .5 1. 7 13 Bi [...] e −0 .2 1* 0. 01 0. 01 −0 .0 60 .0 4 −0 .1 3 −0 .1 1 0. 04 0. 08 −0 .2 2* −0 .1 9† −0 .2 1* −0 .2 1* [...] te r 0. 12 0. 13 0. 26 ** 0. 17 † −0 .1 2 0. 02 −0 .0 50 .0 2 0. 06 0. 02 −0 .0 70 .0 60 .1 7† -0

  • Maternal_adversities_during_pregnancy_and_cord_blood_oxytocin_receptor__OXTR__DNA_methylation___Social_Cognitive_and_Affective_Neuroscience___Oxford_Academic.pdf

    UBfbm0vkR-rkv_W31qlAMbngpnS-R1LksLZAM_hsGa_3XeSSDzffrrk5VO1L1lQ_0kWGDDc2_08n2L8hzjsmhkRbGGx5u6_4jVQ- [...] mrurP1~ZRH6p5q~g5G2TZ9dN2nPmxMpik7ayPPhS4piePDnvE~91BGcBcXr2B8L1IWEzJdQ__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIUCZBIA4LV [...] events (P = 0.032), EPDS score (P = 0.007) and cortisol AUCgs at T2 (CAR: P = 0.020; DAY: P = 0.024) were

  • Yoga? - But I'm too old for that...

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Inspiration for your practice

    dynamic movement (Images 2.4 and 2.5) . Image 2.4 Image 2.5 Movements 6 and 7: Diagonal curl and stretch [...] your nose or half-closed mouth (Image 2.1) . Neu Neu Image 2.2 Image 2.3 On your next exhalation, bow down [...] times with calm, even breaths (Images 2.6 and 2.7) . Movements 8 to13: Continue the flow We continue with

  • Expert Convention

    My AYI

    ase_set.htm?glp=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwgb6IBhAREiwAgMYKRnbG00tkfFmjLD9Iduib8gV44rjaoFZyj6W2skgZjX19CVbZBEy3 [...] ase_set.htm?glp=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwgb6IBhAREiwAgMYKRnbG00tkfFmjLD9Iduib8gV44rjaoFZyj6W2skgZjX19CVbZBEy3 [...] kapitelweise - passt super! Weiterblättern - oh ja - so geht das - jetzt ist mir ein Licht aufgegangen - und dann

  • Shvetashvatara Upnishad 3.7-9: Brahman übertrifft alles

    Philosophy    ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit    ▸   Shvetashvatara Upanishad: Zwischen Sankhya und Vedanta    ▸   Shvetashvatara Upnishad Kapitel 3: Vom Wandel zum Absoluten um uns (Brahman) und in uns (Purusha) (Ronald, Nils Jacob)

    other path for going there. 6 Robert Hume - 1921 6 : This stanza = VS. 31. 18. ~h2~yasmaat+para.m,_naa=pa [...] XVI, 3; Taitt. Samh. IV, 5, 1, 1; Nîlarudropan. p. 274. Higher than this 5 is Brahma. The Supreme, the [...] zum Gehen; Paul Deussen - 1897 2 : = Vaj.Samh.31,18 (Gesch.d.Phil.I,290). 5 I know that great person

  • AYI® eInspired Ausbildung

    My AYI

    us/rec/share/QB2lYv1mWVniq-cFBWAXvfVnpvGhbkC2AiWAlQrhPd0ydFKPg2p6D-GLh3OU1E7G.UeHb6JHO5tFpdsy4 Kennco [...] us/rec/share/QB2lYv1mWVniq-cFBWAXvfVnpvGhbkC2AiWAlQrhPd0ydFKPg2p6D-GLh3OU1E7G.UeHb6JHO5tFpdsy4 Kennco [...] us/rec/share/cdeR08I8YSaQnujbZDKYP5ue7-Rx1MmESLDxVSr5dpkOCIopp29PJLKeUGz6RtyB.CfWDy7j5eB_m0JTa Kenncodezugriff:

  • Advanced Ausbildung

    My AYI

    Stella: 2.12 - 2.14 Carmen und Raphaela: 2.11, 2.15, 2.16 Gisa und Yao: 2.17, 2.24, 2.25, 2.27 Julia [...] Stella: 2.12 - 2.14 Carmen und Raphaela: 2.11, 2.15, 2.16 Gisa und Yao: 2.17, 2.24, 2.25, 2.27 Julia [...] + Sandra 2.3 + 2.4 Gisa + Raphaela 2.6 + 2.7 Julia + Yao 2.8 + 2.9 Katja + Stella 2.10 + 2.11 Ich melde

  • How to address SI Blockage at home

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    Therapeutic sequence for the sacral region - Basic Needs and Control 7.1.2020 Dr. Melanie Steiner & more The [...] your body. Highlights Minute 0:49 – Fascia technique: Fascial warmup Minute 1:31 – Pelvic taps: Tapping [...] joint blockage Minute 4:12 - Thread the needle right: Piriformis stretch Minute 5:07 – Pelvic taps: Tapping

  • Bio Mandelpüree

    Shop    ▸   Superfood

    Fettsäuren 55,6 g 4,2 g 39 g 10,8 g Kohlenhydrate davon Zucker 5,2 g 4,9 g Eiweiß 20,8 g Salz < 0,05 g Min [...] Kalium 813 mg 41 % Vitamin E 24,7 mg 206 % Riboflavin 0,53 mg 38 % Niacin 3,1 mg 19 % Das könnte Dich auch [...] Phosphor Enthält Eisen Quelle von Niacin, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2 Cremig milder Genuss in Weiß Aus 100 % geschälten

  • Inspired

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   AYI(R) Teacher Training   ▸   Inspired Teacher Training

    Montag - Freitag || 6 - 17 Uhr (Mittwoch bis 16 Uhr) Samstag || 8 - 18.30 Uhr Sonntag || 7.30 - 17.00 [...] Pausen à 1,5 Stunden statt.) Termine 15.-22.6.2018 - Yoga Meditation - mit Anna Trökes - 70 UE 28.-29.7.2018 [...] 2018 - Inspired Ausbildung (AYI ® ) - Lege Dein Fundament für Praxis und Lehre des Yoga - 20 UE 8.-9.9