Ulm ▸ Events Ulm
groups of asana. This allows us to take a key asana and see postures that lead both up to that asana and might [...] use the asana table of Krishnamacharya second book, Yogasanagalu (1941) to rearrange the asana outlined [...] Krama has a more flexible approach to asana. However, the asana are still grouped into subroutines and
Ashtanga Yoga ▸ Inspiration for your practice
nding: The Vinyasa is not between the Asanas, rather the Asana is between the Vinyasas. The postures [...] Website): Name of the asana, complete vinyasa count, vinyasa number, at which the asana is reached. A detailed [...] Vinyasa (movement) connects the individual postures (Asana) like pearls on a garland. The Ujjayi breath runs
Ulm ▸ Kurse
Verena unterschiedliche Aspekte des Ashtanga Yoga- Asanas, Pranayama und Meditation Wir lassen uns von unserem [...] unserem Atem durch die Sonnengrüße und Asanas der Ashtanga Yoga Serie tragen und kommen dadurch in eine [...] wir uns unterschiedliche Körperteile mithilfe der Asanas sowie spezieller Übungen genauer an und lernen
Ulm ▸ Kurse
uns von unserem Atem durch die Sonnengrüße und Asanas der Ashtanga Yoga Serie tragen und kommen dadurch [...] wir uns unterschiedliche Körperteile mithilfe der Asanas sowie spezieller Übungen genauer an und lernen [...] oder Atemübung (Pranayama) ein, da diese neben den Asanas wichtig sind, um ganzheitlich in den Yoga einzutauchen
Ulm ▸ Events Ulm
richten wir den Stehe-Asanas der ersten Serie. Wir erforschen den Sinn der einzelnen Asanas! Was für ein Geschenk [...] Geschenk hält die Asana für dich bereit? Bist du bereit das Geschenk anzunehmen, oder ist noch ein Widerstand [...] jemanden anderen dabei, das wertvolle Geschenk einer Asana anzunehmen? Sonntag Nachmittag (3 Stunden): AcroYoga
Philosophy ▸ Philosophy and Tradition
your personal favorite asana and why? I like to re-discover different asanas again and again. Each position [...] feeling of being able to fly is wonderful. Which asana don't you like at all and why? That depends on my [...] attitude. Whenever I have difficulties with an asana, I try to find out what it stands for on a psychological
Community ▸ Network
adjustments and visualising the Asana, I find myself being very mindful in each Asana myself, really feeling my [...] to document each and every Asana. Over time, I want to photograph every Asana out there and the influential [...] essence, I’m trying to capture the true nature of the Asana practice, the movement meditation while capturing
2006) © AshtangaYoga.info Opening Prayer (before Asana practice) (from the Kourma Purana) ~ jivamanani [...] on sun energy. So we worship Surya first in our Asana practice. Do Surya Namaskara.food grow - we life [...] on sun energy. So we worship Surya first in our Asana practice. Do Surya Namaskara.food grow - we life
Workshops and Teacher Training ▸ Events ▸ Workshops
Yogapraxis: Asana (Schwerpunkt: Stehende Haltungen), Pranayama & MeditationPatrick Broome Yogapraxis:Asana (S [...] Yogapraxis: Asana (Schwerpunkt: Rückbeugen), Pranayama & MeditationPatrick Broome Yogapraxis: Asana (Schwerpunkt: