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choice and handling of food. The conscious decision for or against certain foods influences demand and [...] of the organization is to promote the sharing of food. There are numerous locations, such as AYI in Ulm [...] Ulm, that are set up as distribution points where food that would otherwise remain unused or thrown out
Community ▸ Network
we think healthy food we prepare that our senses will not be engaged, or that the food is not to be enjoyed [...] Elephant is all about. And of course good food! But I feel that the food itself isn't enough, I think that our [...] the food will be lifeless and bland. Then you can still cook the same ingredients, but the food tastes
repeat 3-5 x {Navasana lift up*} ~ Don't take more food than you can digest! First you perfect one Asana [...] then you learn the next one. ~~ Don't take more food than you can digest! First you perfect one Asana [...] then you learn the next one. ~~ Don't take more food than you can digest! First you perfect one Asana
Workshops and Teacher Training ▸ Events ▸ Retreats
geführte Stunde für Einsteiger 10:30 Brunch - Pinki Food 12:00 Zeit für Spaziergänge 13:30 Verschiedene Workshops [...] Verschiedene Workshops 17:30 Abendessen - Pinki Food 19:30 Satsang und Meditation Genieße den Frühling: [...] Sampurna an. Inklusive Sauna und dem legendären Pinki Food ! We are Family Triff Gefährten auf Deinem Yogaweg
Ulm ▸ Events Ulm
For experienced practitioners 18:00 Vegan & Raw Food Pot Luck Dinner Party With DJ Klaus // Vegan, raw
Ulm ▸ Events Ulm
/ AYI Mysore für erfahrene Übende 18:00 Uhr Raw Food Potluck Dinner Party mit dem "lächelnden Schamanen"
your blank eye. Surya gives us live through letting food grow - we life on sun energy. So we worship Surya [...] first in our Asana practice. Do Surya grow - we life on sun energy. So we worship Surya [...] first in our Asana practice. Do Surya grow - we life on sun energy. So we worship Surya
Workshops and Teacher Training ▸ Events ▸ Retreats
traditionelle piemontesische Küche, regional und slow food in der Locanda Mistral (vegetarisch auf Wunsch) [...] traditionelle piemontesische Küche, regional und slow food in der Locanda Mistral (vegetarisch auf Wunsch)
Ulm ▸ Events Ulm
Selbstgemachtes wie etwa leckere Sommersalate oder Raw Food mitbringt. Unsere gemütliche Dachterrasse lädt zum