Community ▸ Network
our best wishes for the future and are already looking forward to many more events organized together [...] been at Sampurna yet, now have the chance to take a look during the open day. And who knows - maybe you'll [...] events with exciting and inspiring topics. We're looking forward to meeting you there! Sunday, 26. June
Yoga Therapie ▸ Therapeutic tutorials
Traditions" helps to provide us with a more in-depth look at the practice. Details Length 4:55 Minutes for [...] generations? Furthermore, what does the community look like today and who are its central representatives [...] Traditions" presents us with a unique, behind-the-scenes look at Ashtanga yoga, while at the same time shedding
Yoga Therapie
and to know what I was doing by feeling and not looking in asana practice, because I studied my structure [...] self-gauge you may want to take a short video of it to look at afterwards. Step off of your mat if it’s rolled [...] take a walk around the room. Resist the urge to look at your feet! Stop somewhere in the room and come
Philosophy ▸ Philosophy and Tradition
Ashtangi has to approach this book. Through the Looking Glass My experience with the Yoga Sutra was in [...] on it. It was really like peering through the looking glass. Before, Pattabhi Jois's famous saying "Do [...] and will press her nose against the window pane looking at him. On a normal day the following occurs: the
Philosophy ▸ Philosophy and Tradition
serenity - just like in life in general. Even if it looks difficult: For Dr. Ronald Steiner this position [...] virtually impossible. (Image: Wegner) Not all exercises look very pleasant. Dr. Ronald Steiner: "No, but that's [...] it's no sorcery: Even though some exercises might look quite difficult: yoga is easy and can be practiced
Community ▸ Network
yoga in order to lose weight or because they are looking for relaxation. In my teaching, I have noticed [...] styles The most popular type of yoga for women looking for the aesthetic benefit to be gained through [...] and to improve your metabolism. For those rather looking for physical fitness, Power Yoga or Vinyasa Flow
Online Yogastudio ▸ Therapeutic tutorials
showing what the traditional form of the practice looks like. Your form. Your breath. Your practice. We [...] a form if you are having knee trouble and are looking for a switch out for your normal vinyasas. The [...] AYI Community by posting your comments below. We look forward to hearing from you! Many thanks to OGNX
Ashtanga Yoga ▸ Online Yoga classes
than just back and abdominal muscles. However, looking at the diaphragm's location and function it becomes [...] work? It's not a contradiction in terms. In fact, looking at the body from the outside one doesn't even see
Ulm ▸ Events Ulm
this class we’ll work through Surya Namaskara to look at the root techniques that inform the internal [...] selection based on the most popular questions. We'll look at the asana in a progressive, step by step way
Community ▸ Network
...even if - from the outside - it might look as if I was always doing the same thing ... Melanie You [...] yoga. Melanie: ''What does your own yoga practice look like? Which techniques are you currently practicing [...] a good question. In fact, my own yoga practice looks completely different every day. I practice Ashtanga