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  • The right twist for a healthy back

    Yoga Therapie

    The right twist for a healthy back Together, the shortest and deepest back muscles, the mm. rotatores brevi [...] the deepest back muscles (musculi multifidi) in the group of probands with chronic deep back pain (here [...] healthy motion sequence, the back is first stabilised by precisely these deep back muscles and only then external

  • Dorsal Fascia: directing the stretch

    Yoga Therapie

    very clear stretch along the backs of the legs. The dorsial fascia of the back is active. Stay here and enjoy [...] on: If the fascia of the lower back is too taut compared to the backs of the legs, this would not be [...] abdomen and the other at the back of the head. Pull the skin of the back of the head upwards towards the

  • The Cat Sequence

    Yoga Therapie   ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    and better mobilize your back. As a result you can effectively prevent back pain. Experience for yourself [...] Dr. Sabine Nunius Gabriel Aszalos Say goodbye to back pain! With the help of this exercise sequence, you [...] 40% of the German population are experiencing some back pain. The root cause is not mainly structural, but

  • Helical Fascia of the back body

    Yoga Therapie

    front to back. The transverse direction is more evident when looking at the front, the back body is where [...] sense fatigue in the back body. Effect: This exercise not only strengthens the back extensors, but also [...] one position. You sit for hours at a desk and your back will eventually start rounding. Some folks walk

  • Fascia Yoga: Finding balance with the fascial front line

    Yoga Therapie

    out of sorts because only the back line was being addressed. Stubborn back pain is a common result of such [...] up momentum and rock forward and back using the power of both the back body and the hands. Repeat until [...] foot back a bit until the stretch at the front of the thigh is intensified, then set the knee back down

  • Fascia-Yoga: Balancing the back body

    Yoga Therapie

    collagen fibers of the back body connect to the dorsal fascia. This connects the back body from the sole [...] bend, tension is created on the back line. Depending on whether your back is rounded or straight, your legs [...] Each time you go back to stretching, you can increase the intensity. Lie flat on your back. Draw your left

  • From Old-School Dynamic Stretches to Modern Fascia Yoga

    Yoga Therapie

    dorsal fascia of the back line. It extends from the sole of the foot over the back of the leg, sitz bones [...] attempts to absorb the force and then release it back. Ideally, the body works like a rubber ball: it [...] fascia doesn't become deformed, but rather it bounces back to its original form. Modern fascial research starts

  • Relax and Restore during Pregnancy

    Yoga Therapie

    also a release for the back muscles. Especially in late pregnancy, your upper back is constantly holding [...] and bring you back into balance. Virasana: Hero pose Supta Virasana : Release for the back and hips Virasana [...] releases tension in the hip and relaxes the upper back and shoulders. It promotes a sense of physical and

  • Breathing during Pregnancy

    Yoga Therapie

    exhale. Wide (across the back): You can observe this breathing when the back expands and rounds under [...] exhalation. Third area of breath: The back Breathing in the back body Place your hands between the shoulder [...] as the abdomen is concerned. It is only when the back is stable and creates space that the breath can

  • Fascia Yoga: Rebound and Creeping

    Yoga Therapie

    lengthening the back. Enjoy the stretch along the backs of the legs upwards along the entire back body (Fig [...] is absorbed in the fascial back line that runs all the way up the the back of the head. Creeping Effect: [...] g the back line of fascia. This line travels from the sole of the foot, along the entire back body all