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Searched for mental.
  • Yoga and Psychotherapy

    Yoga Therapie

    even when a mental disbalance has reached a point where it can be diagnosed as a mental condition with [...] positive effects in addition to the mere reduction of mental symptoms. For instance, a yoga practice focusing [...] recognition of yoga as an effect form of treatment for mental disorders. Yoga teachers with the necessary qu

  • Emotion - Wem hilft Yoga?

    Community   ▸   Network

    Jahr 2004, wonach Yoga wirkungsvoller ist als mentales Entspannungstraining allein. ,,Als Mediziner würde [...] bestätigt auch der Mediziner Steiner : "Emotionale und mentale Unausgeglichenheit werden schnell zum unbewussten

  • Yoga Sutra 1.5-11: Five types of mental projections

    Philosophy   ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit   ▸   Yoga-Sutra   ▸   Yoga Sutra 1: On the experience of absolute unity (Ronald, Laura)

    verzerrrte Wahrnehmung ( viparyaya ), mentale Konstruktion ( viklapa ), mentale Dumpfheit ( nidrā ) und Erinnerung [...] -compound vikalpa substantive masculine Fantasie, mentale Konstruktion vikalpa substantive masculine vi previx [...] -compound nidrā substantive feminine Dumpfheit, mentale Dumpfheit nidrā substantive feminine ni previx

  • The AYInnovation® Method

    Philosophy   ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    therapy by AYInnovation ® always focuses on holistic mental and physical wellbeing. In order to address specific [...] of the self - i.e. on a physical level but also mentally and emotionally. Whatever your starting point

  • Making Body-based Decisions

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    to your own personal safe space. Here you can mentally recharge and refresh. Set aside a few minutes [...] to your own personal safe space. Here you can mentally recharge and refresh. Set aside a few minutes

  • Self Led Vinyasa with David Regelin

    Ulm   ▸   Events Ulm

    aware of how your physical practice alters your mental state. .reformation work with existing injuries [...] performing surya namaskar well is primarily about mental agility and technique, however, strength and stability [...] coordinate all of the above. *At first It takes a mental effort to learn the skills necessary to practice

  • The Vault Exercise - A moment of freedom from internal stress

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    to your own personal safe space. Here you can mentally recharge and refresh. Set aside a few minutes [...] to your own personal safe space. Here you can mentally recharge and refresh. Set aside a few minutes

  • Das Abenteuer des Bewusstseins

    Community    ▸   Network

    seinen integralen Yoga weiter. Das Schweigen des Mentals Patanjali und viele andere haben beschrieben, wie [...] Yoga einzutauchen. Sri Aurobindo sagte dazu: „das Mental zum Schweigen bringen“. Dies sei essenziell, daran [...] sondern von außen kommen, „aus dem universalen Mental oder der universalen Natur, manchmal geformt und

  • Flow Center

    Community   ▸   YogiFinder   ▸   Ashtanga Schulen

    particular attention to control of the breath and mental stamina. This format of class is most useful to

  • Relax and Restore during Pregnancy

    Yoga Therapie

    maintain a healthy mental balance during pregnancy, because it lays the foundation for the mental balance of [...] physically relax which in turn also allow you to mentally relax. You can use the practice to consciously [...] shoulders. It promotes a sense of physical and mental calm. Supta Baddha Konasana – with a bolster An