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make sure that the plants can set root again after they have been planted. The planting itself took place [...] flowers but als vegetables were planted. However, it was noted that the plants began to increasingly absorb [...] hedges were planted between median strips and roads to reduce the pollution on the plants. Of course,
Ulm ▸ Kurse
Growing a meditation practice is like growing plants – we need good seeds, soil, water, fertilizer, [...] a fence to protect our tiny sprout. Like plants, children and relationships the meditation will reflect
Ulm ▸ Kurse
Growing a meditation practice is like growing plants – we need good seeds, soil, water, fertilizer, [...] a fence to protect our tiny sprout. Like plants, children and relationships the meditation will reflect
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in the morning, that there are the first budding plants and that they themselves experience a certain "spring
Philosophy ▸ Philosophy and Tradition
and beauty of existence. (4) bījāvasthāpana – Planting the Seed When an experience leaves an impression [...] impression ( saṁskāra ), a 'seed' ( bīja ) is planted. This seed later germinates, binding one to the cycle
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delights and inspires the open-hearted. Perhaps my plant isn't fully grown yet, but it is flourishing in [...] vibrates and resonates with joy and love. Every plant, every drop of water, even every stone shares this
Yoga Therapie
can be absorbed well through our food, especially plants because they, too have an ECM. Fr this reason, [...] structure of mechanically openend. The molecules of the plant cell fluid and the extracellular matrix remain unheated