Yoga Therapie
Shoulder joint rotation on all fours at the outermost point of the movement Now rotate the humerus in [...] upper arm rotating inwards and outwards. (Fig. 1 and 2). Figure 2: Shoulder joint rotation on all fours [...] Prone shoulder joint rotation - outermost point of the movement Now start to rotate the arms in the shoulder
external rotation, adduction; knee flexion; ankle dorsiflexion; scapula downward rotation, abduction; [...] (of the rotators, the ones that do the most adduction). Arms: Subscapularis, to internally rotate the humerus; [...] pectoralis minor, to downwardly rotate the scapulae; teres ma)or, to internally rotate and extend the arm; posterior
Yoga Therapie
different angles. SUpine leg rotation [Translate to English:] Bild 1: Bein-Rotation in Rückenlage Lie comfortably [...] pelvis. Side-lying leg rotation (upper leg) [Translate to English:] Bild 2: Bein-Rotation in Seitlage – oberes [...] Side-lying leg rotation - (lower leg) [Translate to English:] Bild 3: Bein-Rotation in Seitlage – unteres
Yoga Therapie
the rotation axis running through the thigh. On contraction, the muscles shorten and thus rotate the [...] the lower end of your coccyx (os coccygis). Now rotate your right leg outwards from the hip joint as if [...] position Precisely this function, i.e. external rotation, is listed in any anatomy textbook for both muscles
Yoga Therapie
Inhale and twist outwards to externally rotate the hands. The rotation takes place at the shoulder joint, [...] you can sense the intensity in your rotator cuff. Effect: The rotator cuff centers the head of the humerus [...] Shoulder blade rotation in all fours at the end of the exhale Image 6: Shoulder blade rotation at the top
Yoga Therapie
Flying Grasshopper (with arms) - with rotation Inhale and rotate your legs to the right while you tilt [...] body (Fig. 3). Fig 6: Rotating plank – lowest point of movement Now inhale and rotate from the thoracic spine [...] a fascia layer containing the short and long rotators (Mm. Rotatores Brevi et Longi) as well as the
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skipped. Arm rotation exercise: Arm rotation exercise: Upper arms at your side Arm rotation exercise: Arms [...] can be quickly reduced. Arm Rotation Exercises - Standing Always rotate the upper arms from the shoulder [...] elbow joint. Inhale into external rotation, exhale into internal rotation. Create a light resistance against
Ashtanga Yoga ▸ Inspiration for your practice
forefinger. Inner rotation of the forefoot, inner rotation of the lower leg, inner rotation of the forearm [...] principle of lightness, of stretching. Outward rotation of the hind foot, thigh, upper arm. Opening of
Yoga Therapie
relaxed and comfortable rotation with a long spine. In order to intensify the rotation, you can place your [...] these muscles contracts, the vertebrae linked by it rotate against each other. With the mm. rotatores longi [...] These muscles can cause two or several vertebrae to rotate against each other or slightly tilt them to the
Online Yogastudio ▸ Therapeutic tutorials
(leg rotation), seated Minute 8:12: Activation of fascial lines in the leg and hip (leg rotation), supine [...] leg (leg rotation), side supported Minute 12:40: Activation of the fascia of the leg (rotation of the femur [...] supine Minute 3:50: Activating the diagonal fascia (rotation of knee joint and meniscus), seated Minute 6:30: