Workshops and Teacher Training ▸ Events ▸ Workshops
Impressionen vom Yogafestival am See 2015 Ticket Box Festivalticket: 150,- Studenten und Schüler: 135 [...] Ashtanga Yoga, Lachyoga, Mantrayoga, Silent Walk am See und 2 großen Kirtan-Konzerten mit SATYAA & PARI und [...] wunderschön gelegene Kursaal in Überlingen direkt am See lädt Dich ein zum Entspannen, Auftanken und Bewegen
Workshops and Teacher Training ▸ Events ▸ Workshops
wunderschön gelegene Ostbad in Überlingen direkt am See lädt Dich ein zum Entspannen, Auftanken und Bewegen [...] Community erleben und genießen. Das Yogafestival am See findet in diesem Jahr zum 2. Mal im Ostbad in Überlingen [...] dich wieder ein mit uns Yoga zu praktizieren, den See zu genießen, die Seele baumeln zu lassen, und so
Workshops and Teacher Training ▸ Events ▸ Workshops
Airlines nach Yangon 11.12. – 15.12: Inle See Auf dem Inle-See befinden sich wunderbare Pagoden, schwimmende [...] hat sich eine einzigartige Kultur entwickelt. Der See ist in eine pittoreske Bergwelt eingebettet, die [...] Resorts (Inle Resort; 4-5 Sterne) mit Blick über den See. 15.12. – 19.12.2009: Bagan In Bagan entstand das
Philosophy ▸ Philosophy and Tradition
Eberhard: I would like to first say that I do not see myself as a representative of a certain philosophical [...] contradicts our usual point of view, in which we see the reasons for our suffering almost exclusively [...] or in the world around us. While many of us would see this as a very common perspective, they are described
Community ▸ Network
would be a lifelong path for me. I just wanted to see if I could learn to levitate by doing lots of yoga [...] was looking at BKS Iyengar’s “Light on Yoga” to see what to do. At the time I thought they were difficult [...] at some point (and maybe come to question it…). Seeing that you have returned to Mysore on a regular basis
breaths (Āsana ). After the Opening Mantra (see there), three to five rounds of Sūrya Namaskāra A [...] can lead directly to a brief Finishing Sequence (see there). This results in a short, yet still complete [...] the Fundamental Positions can then be included (see there) in between. © Dr. Ronald
Community ▸ Network
often, the practitioner will see the image before, feel the adjustments and see the image afterwards - many [...] general. At the moment, I’m seeing the difference in my own practice: through seeing many practitioners and [...] a yoga practitioner and felt that the images we see on a daily basis that proliferate social media are
Yoga Therapie
the café as quickly as possible. You arrive and see your friend and as soon she greets you with a hug [...] the body reacts accordingly when sensed. You can see this in our learned behaviors, lifestyle choices [...] trauma.
Skin Mindfulness Exercise for November Seeing as we have spend some time recognizing how experiential
Community ▸ YogiFinder
88662 Überlingen auf der großen Wiese direkt am See unter schönen, großen Bäumen.....