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  • Eka Pada Bakasana A

    AshtangaYoga    ▸   Traditional Practice Series    ▸   3rd Series - Sthira Bhaga

    upwards. Vinyāsa 10 – Inhale: Lower your head back to the floor at the end of the exhalation and inhale [...] inhale as you extend your legs vertically back into the tripod headstand. Vinyāsa 11-13: Repeat

  • Ashtanga Yoga Intensive with Prem and Radha

    Ulm   ▸   Events Ulm

    for many years. Prem began learning from Guruji back in 1978. Radha’s Ashtanga journey began by studying

  • Therapeutische Sequenz bei Bandscheibenvorfällen

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    body 7.1.2021 Dr. Ronald Steiner & more A healthy back utilizes the helical fascial system to protect the [...] float instead of being compressed by the A healthy back utilizes the helical fascial system to protect the

  • Pregnancy and Abdominal Muscles

    Yoga Therapie

    help support your baby while you support your own back. Exercises for a Balanced Core The following exercises [...] line with the entire body from the heels, to the backs of the legs, to the buttocks to the shoulders. Your

  • Kaundinyasana A

    AshtangaYoga    ▸   Traditional Practice Series    ▸   3rd Series - Sthira Bhaga

    : At the end of the exhalation, lower your head back to the ground. Rotate your legs to the center. Your [...] inhale as you lift your straightened legs vertically back into the tripod headstand. Vinyāsa 11-13:

  • Übe mit den Experten - Starke Flügel

    Ulm    ▸   Kurse

    den Armbalancen oder das "jump-through" und "jump back" im Ashtanga Yoga erfordert es einen stabilen und

  • Yoga Sutra 4.25-26: Discernment creates the conditions for inner freedom

    Philosophy   ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit   ▸   Yoga-Sutra   ▸   Yoga Sutra 4: On Inner Freedom (Ronald, Laura)

    undone ni previx inside, inwards, within, down, back vr̥t verb whirl, roll, spin Observe the difference [...] ni previx nam verb lean over to ni previx down, back / inside nam verb bend, crook kaivalya tatpuruṣa

  • Mit Faszien-Yoga Rückenschmerzen reduzieren

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    helical fascia can relieve tension in the neck and back 21.11.2020 Dr. Ronald Steiner & more Stand straight [...] this command, the result is often tense neck and back muscles. Instead of focusing on correcting your

  • Visarga (ḥ)

    Philosophy   ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit   ▸   Sanskrit Pronunciation

    Gutturals Gutturals are produced deep down at the back of the oral cavity, at the bridge of the soft palate [...] Sanskrit language are produced with the tongue rolled back behind the teeth: vowel (r̥, r̥̄), plosive (ṭ,ṭh

  • Listening with your hands

    Yoga Therapie

    journey started in our first article with looking back at an adjustment in a yoga class and taking time [...] beginning of spring and everything seems to be coming back to life, it is also close enough to that period [...] them. Give yourself a chance to draw your energy back inwards and wait until your partner comes out of