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Searched for Ronald+Steiner.
  • SVU 2.1-3

    Philosophy    ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit    ▸   Shvetashvatara Upanishad    ▸   SVU 2 (Ronald, Nils Jacob)

    Lerne mit Dr. Ronald Steiner diesen Abschnitt genauer kennen. Er erläutert den Sinn sowie den Text und

  • The origins of Ashtanga Yoga (Part 1/3)

    Philosophy    ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    Founding Fathers of Ashtanga Yoga (Part 2/3) Dr. Ronald Steiner In almost any German city, there is by now [...] perspectives and to recognise their value. Dr. Ronald Steiner: here in Mysore, often felt frustrated by the

  • AYI® Inspired

    Workshops and Teacher Training    ▸   AYI(R) Teacher Training   ▸   Inspired Teacher Training

    Ashtanga Yoga Innovation ® Methode von Dr. Ronald Steiner an. Die AYI ® Inspired Yogalehrer*inausbildung

  • MTC x 3 (Fuß, Knie, Hüfte)

    Workshops and Teacher Training    ▸   Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

    verstanden. Das theoretische Wissen, das Dr. Ronald Steiner Dir anschaulich vermitteln wird, kann Dir helfen

  • The Founding Fathers of Ashtanga Yoga (Part 2/3)

    Philosophy    ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    Tradition A vivid tradition (part 3/3) Dr. Ronald Steiner Ashtanga Yoga practice is characterised by

  • AYI Inspired

    Workshops and Teacher Training    ▸   AYI(R) Teacher Training   ▸   Inspired Teacher Training

    Philosophie erfahren Die AYI Methode nach Dr. Ronald Steiner bringt die klassischen Übungsfolgen mit modernen

  • 03.02.17 Interview Pink Elephant

    Community   ▸   Network

    Lebendigen in Dir 13.-19.4.2017 Schlangenbad Dr. Ronald Steiner & more 44 EU Mitten in Deutschland (nähe Frankfurt [...] glad that we have become such an integral part of Ronald's teacher training programs. Especially because [...] hand. That is why I am particularly pleased that Ronald has made us part of the training and also considers

  • 22.8.16 SEOM

    Community   ▸   Network

    International Yoga Day in Ulm 25.6.2016 Dr. Ronald Steiner & more What is it that you experience when

  • AYI Expert

    Workshops and Teacher Training    ▸   AYI(R) Teacher Training   ▸   Expert Convention

    integriert. Diese Verschmelzung verdanken wir Dr. Ronald Steiner, der Ashtanga Yoga mit Modifikationen, Alignment

  • 'Tension Helix' Breath - Stability for your body

    Yoga Therapie

    Enjoy and have fun practicing! Teacher: Dr. Ronald Steiner Yogini: Kristen Sikorsky Racco Photographer: