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  • Dynamic helical tension – energetic vibration for a healthy body

    Yoga Therapie

    connective tissue will fix it in a locked state which leads to chronic tension. One of the most common examples

  • The essence of Ashtanga Yoga

    Philosophy    ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    balance. The practice series are designed in a way to lead as to the point of the seemingly impossible where

  • Shitali - Through the eyes of science


    optimal length for maximum contraction force. This leads to an increased ejection fraction and enhanced pumping

  • 29.5.-1.6.2009 Potsdam - Yogakongress - Die Einheit in der Vielfalt

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Events   ▸   Workshops

    Samstag + Montag 7:30-8:30 Uhr): Ashtanga Yoga – Lead Class Wenn die Bewegung mit dem Atem verschmilzt

  • Sports and Yoga

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    unites everything. All sentences before finally lead up to I.50. Breaking out of the patterns that previously

  • Confidence

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    getting deeper into practice alone will automatically lead to the practitioner's having more fun and wanting

  • 3.10.16 Interview with Prem Carlisi

    Philosophy   ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    you go out and teach.”. Sabine: In fact, this leads me to my next question. When you taught your first

  • 03.02.17 Interview Pink Elephant

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    like soups that my grandma used to make. So that leads me to ask: What role did cooking in your childhood

  • The origins of Ashtanga Yoga (Part 1/3)

    Philosophy    ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    soon training sessions at the Jaganmohan Palace lead by Prof. M. V. Krishna Rao using weights and machines

  • SVU 1.7-12

    Philosophy    ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit    ▸   Shvetashvatara Upanishad    ▸   SVU 1 (Ronald, Nils Jacob)

    which, however, is not yet perfect freedom, but may lead on to it. Thus it is said in the Śivadharmottara: