Workshops and Teacher Training ▸ Events ▸ Workshops
The day will end with Philosophy, Pranayama and Meditation. Stundenplan Freitag 17:00 - 20:00 Led Class [...] The day will end with Philosophy, Pranayama and Meditation. 14.-16.6.2013 (Fri-Sun) 900zł/225€, 17.-18.6
Workshops and Teacher Training ▸ Events ▸ Workshops
Support the practice-Partner Arbeit, Yoga Sutra und Meditation Sonntags alles eine Stunde früher. Stundenplan [...] Support the practice-Partner Arbeit, Yoga Sutra und Meditation Sonntags alles eine Stunde früher. 150€ Arjuna
Workshops and Teacher Training ▸ Events ▸ Retreats
AYI ® (Ashtanga Yoga Innovation) Methode und Meditation in der Gruppe (jeweils 1,5 Stunden morgens und [...] AYI ® Mysore Style 17:00 – 18:30 Uhr Pranayama, Meditation, Philosphie, Bandhalign ® 26.10. (Freitag) 07:30 [...] An den Nachmittagen tauchen wir mit Pranayama, Meditation und Philosophie tiefer in den Yoga ein und lassen
Workshops and Teacher Training ▸ Events ▸ Retreats
Kunst der Ausrichtung Led-Class/Mysore geführte Meditation Pranajama Preis: Doppelzimmer: 499,00 € p.P. [...] 19:30 Uhr sanfte AYI ® Led-Class und geführte Meditation mit Svenja Samstag, 29. April 2017 & Sonntag
Ashtanga Yoga ▸ Online Yoga classes
eyes. Experience for yourself how this moving meditation right at your workspace can give you the energy [...] yourself be carried through this breath-led moving meditation with Florian's guidance. Renew and refresh from
Workshops and Teacher Training ▸ Events ▸ Retreats
ganz zur Ruhe mit einer erdenden Yogapraxis und Meditation. Schau bei der Kitchari Kochvorführung zu, wie [...] Hände, angeleitete Fußmassage mit Ghee 16:00 Uhr Meditation 16:15 Uhr Yoga Nidra 17:00 Uhr Abschied Änderungen
Philosophy ▸ Philosophy and Tradition
the entire spectrum with pranayama, mudra and meditation techniques. For each exercise, there is not only [...] knowledge on the mental, philosophical, energetic and meditative level? In Germany, more people than ever are [...] single asanas, bandhas, mudras, pranayamas and meditations. As a result, the complex subtitle lives up to