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  • Yoga in Tokyo

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    starting work at 8 a.m. and not finishing before 7 or 8 p.m., will have a different approach. They often turn

  • SVU 1

    Philosophy    ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit    ▸   Shvetashvatara Upanishad    ▸   SVU 1 (Ronald, Nils Jacob)

    rhante;_tasmin+ha.mso,_bhraamyate_brahma-cakre_|~~ ~h2~p.rthag-aatmaana.m,_preritaara.m_ca_matvaa;_ju.s.tas+tatas

  • Gutturals

    Philosophy    ▸   Sanskrit and Devanagari    ▸   Sanskrit Pronunciation

    retroflex (ṭ,ṭh,ḍ,ḍh), and dental (t,th,d,dh) to labial (p,ph,b,bh). Guttural plosive ka: The tongue closes off

  • Palatals

    Philosophy    ▸   Sanskrit and Devanagari    ▸   Sanskrit Pronunciation

    retroflex (ṭ,ṭh,ḍ,ḍh), and dental (t,th,d,dh) to labial (p,ph,b,bh). Palatal plosives ca: The tongue closes off

  • Vowels

    Philosophy   ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit   ▸   Sanskrit Pronunciation

    Sanskrit, there are labial vowels (u, ū), plosives (p, ph, b, bh), nasals (m) and semivowels (v). A labial

  • DYS 170: Verehrung an Vishnu

    Philosophy    ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit    ▸   Dattatreyayogashastra (Ronald, Nils Jacob)

    el ich verehre ... verehre ich (~i~prapadye~~ | 1p sg) beständig (nityam | acc sg) das Lotus-Fuß-Paar

  • Retroflexes

    Philosophy    ▸   Sanskrit and Devanagari    ▸   Sanskrit Pronunciation

    retroflex (ṭ,ṭh,ḍ,ḍh), and dental (t,th,d,dh) to labial (p,ph,b,bh). Retroflex plosives ṭa: The tip of the tongue

  • Dentals

    Philosophy    ▸   Sanskrit and Devanagari    ▸   Sanskrit Pronunciation

    retroflex (ṭ,ṭh,ḍ,ḍh), and dental (t,th,d,dh) to labial (p,ph,b,bh). Dental plosives ta: The tip of the tongue

  • DYS 59-65: Prāṇāyāma Technik

    Philosophy    ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit    ▸   Dattatreyayogashastra (Ronald, Nils Jacob)

    hemmen pūrayet 3. Person Singular Optativ "p""r̥̄ Verbalwurzel er möge mit Luft füllen vāyum [...] gefüllt pūrayet 3. Person Singular Optativ "p""r̥̄ Verbalwurzel er möge mit Luft füllen udaram

  • Inspired Ausbildung

    My AYI

    Spaß gemacht :-) Namaste und liebe Grüße, Melanie P.S.: Übrigens haben wir heute auch die Zertifikate [...] Spaß gemacht :-) Namaste und liebe Grüße, Melanie P.S.: Übrigens haben wir heute auch die Zertifikate