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    Location Search AYI ® (91) Ashtanga (595) Hatha (151) AYI ® (91) Ashtanga (595) Hatha (151)

  • AYInstitute Ulm

    Ulm   ▸   Events Ulm

    Ronald Steiner 14:30 - Yoga-Stunde: Mysore-Style / Anfänger-Stunde 15:30 - Yoga-Stunde: Mysore-Style / [...] / Anfänger-Stunde 16:30 - Yoga-Stunde: Mysore-Style / Anfänger-Stunde 18:00 - Vedische Zeremonie 18:30 [...] dem Lächelnden Schamanen) Sonntag 06:00 - 11:00 Yoga-Praxis: Mysore-Style Das Café Edeltraudt versorgt

  • Yoga Therapy - Intensive Week


    cal psychotherapist, link yoga and Western science to form a holistic yoga therapy. You will be surprised [...] own yoga practice as well as impulses on how to transfer those strategies into everyday life. Yoga therapy [...] For whom is the yoga therapy intensive week of interest? Costs: € 390 Special: € 290 for members of the

  • Yoga Therapy - Intensive Week


    cal psychotherapist, link yoga and Western science to form a holistic yoga therapy. You will be surprised [...] own yoga practice as well as impulses on how to transfer those strategies into everyday life. Yoga therapy [...] m am AYI Ulm What should I bring? yoga clothes poss. your own yoga mat (there are mats to borrow at AYI)

  • Umkehrhaltungen

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Events   ▸   Workshops

    Am Folgetag am selben Ort Modular Therapy Course (MTC) Faszien - Netzwerk unseres Körpers 2.-3.11.2019 Bremen Dr. Ronald Steiner & more 20 EU Faszien: ein Netzwerk aus Bindegewebe, das unseren ganzen

  • Umkehrhaltungen

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Events   ▸   Workshops

    Knöchel sind das Fundament Deiner Yoga-Praxis und auch abseits der Yoga-Matte die Basis von gesundem Gehen [...] Knöchel sind das Fundament Deiner Yoga-Praxis und auch abseits der Yoga-Matte die Basis von gesundem Gehen [...] das Pranayama zu den bekanntesten Techniken des Yoga. Im stillen Sitz, geführt vom rauschenden, siegreichen

  • Yoga Therapy - Intensive Week


    cal psychotherapist, link yoga and Western science to form a holistic yoga therapy. You will be surprised [...] own yoga practice as well as impulses on how to transfer those strategies into everyday life. Yoga therapy [...] at home? ) What should I bring? - yoga clothes - poss. your own yoga mat (there are mats to borrow at

  • Yoga Therapy - Intensive Week


    cal psychotherapist, link yoga and Western science to form a holistic yoga therapy. You will be surprised [...] own yoga practice as well as impulses on how to transfer those strategies into everyday life. Yoga therapy [...] For whom is the yoga therapy intensive week of interest? Costs: € 390 Special: € 290 for members of the

  • Yoga Therapy - Intensive Week


    cal psychotherapist, link yoga and Western science to form a holistic yoga therapy. You will be surprised [...] own yoga practice as well as impulses on how to transfer those strategies into everyday life. Yoga therapy [...] at home? ) What should I bring? - yoga clothes - poss. your own yoga mat (there are mats to borrow at

  • Präzision - Fußalignment

    Ulm   ▸   Events Ulm

    Info zum Kurs Zeitraum: 19:00 - 21:00 Uhr Keine Anmeldung erforderlich - Komm einfach vorbei! Es gelten die regulären Preise des AYI Ulm