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  • Fuß & Knöchel

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

    Completion . This confirms your practical ability to use the concepts in the topic covered in your MTC. Completed

  • Arm & Hand

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

    Completion . This confirms your practical ability to use the concepts in the topic covered in your MTC. Completed

  • Knee and Leg

    Workshops and Teacher Training    ▸   Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

    share is presented in a way which will allow you to use this joint in the most anatomically-friendly way

  • Alignment

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

    Completion . This confirms your practical ability to use the concepts in the topic covered in your MTC. Completed

  • The Shoulder

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

    the body such as the back or the neck. Yoga can be used to effectively balance out the shoulders with specific

  • Alignment

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

    Completion . This confirms your practical ability to use the concepts in the topic covered in your MTC. Completed

  • Grundpositionen: Traditionelle Form

    Ashtanga Yoga   ▸   Online Yoga classes

    sequence with Ronald and Pia. The traditional count is used, so that you can experience the magic of breath-led

  • Utthita Hasta Paadaangushthasana A

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Traditional Practice Series    ▸   Primary Series (Yoga Chikitsa)

    try to develop balance in this pose. Of course using a wall you can hold your leg higher, but there are

  • Interview with Tanja Launicke

    Community   ▸   Network

    became: listen to my body, carefully test my limits, use a little creativity (i.e. kneel instead of standing [...] Tanja: You bring the posture that your body is used to, because the body always adapts to its environment [...] practice with other professional support is really useful. In addition to starting off with a modified practice

  • Short vowels

    Philosophy   ▸   Sanskrit and Devanagari   ▸   Devanagari

    Linked vowels The letters shown above are only used at the beginning of words. For vowels within words