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  • Fascia Yoga: Helical tension for healthy hips, knees and ankles

    Yoga Therapie

    When we first look at the anatomy of the leg we see muscles in a diagonal formation. When we look further

  • Take your Chance!

    Philosophy    ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    A musician will hear the melody, the draftsman sees contrasts and the sculptor forms. So each student

  • 108 Sun salutations

    Community   ▸   Network

    That worked really well. Melanie : It was great to see so many different variations of the sun salutation

  • 3.10.16 Interview with Prem Carlisi

    Philosophy   ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    kids. But still, even with kids, I tried my best to see him whenever he came to America since I couldn’t [...] That was the traditional way, when the teacher sees that you’re ready to teach, he tells you “Yes, you

  • Yoga and Karate

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Inspiration for your practice

    understand the 'why' behind it all. In a nutshell, I see the two activities as complimentary as opposed to [...] a person on their personal life journey. Here we see even further examples of the parallels between yoga

  • SVU 1.4-6

    Philosophy    ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit    ▸   Shvetashvatara Upanishad    ▸   SVU 1 (Ronald, Nils Jacob)

    Asaktis, disabilities, causes of misconception. (See Sâṅkhya-sûtras III, 38.) 3. The nine inversions of [...] He only mentions the five divisions of the kleśa (see Yoga-sūtras Ī, 2), but does not show how their number

  • 9.-26.12.2010 - Ashtanga Yoga zwischen Tempelruinen und Lotusblüten

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Events   ▸   Retreats

    Der Tonle Sap ist das Herz Kambodschas, ohne den See gäbe es kein Angkor Wat. Besuch überfluteter Wälder

  • Listening with your hands

    Yoga Therapie

    Feeling the other person's presence instead of just seeing it. Mit den Händen hören: Die Präsenz des Menschen

  • From Old-School Dynamic Stretches to Modern Fascia Yoga

    Yoga Therapie

    like a rubber ball: it bounces in and out. You can see this phenomenon in professional stunt-cyclists who

  • Congratulations!

    Community   ▸   Network

    and experiences. In the end it's just great to see a new AYI ® Advanced teacher giving all they've got