Philosophy ▸ Philosophy and Tradition
the traditional practice series and the rhythm of motion are combined with a new precision. The age-old [...] they all have one thing in common: their search for a core or true self. AYInnovation ® honours these ancient [...] – feeling at home in the large Ashtanga family In a dynamic and flowing way, AYInnovation ® builds on
Workshops and Teacher Training ▸ AYI(R) Teacher Training ▸ Advanced Yoga Teacher Training
Deine stabile Praxis der ersten Serie oder sogar die zweite Serie. Auch die meditativen Aspekte des [...] Unterricht übst Du im Mysore Style Deine individuelle Serie . Inspiriert und unterstützt durch die Live Phasen [...] wie Du eine traditionelle Led Class der ersten Serie gibst und gleichzeitig diese an die Besonderheiten
Workshops and Teacher Training ▸ AYI(R) Teacher Training ▸ Inspired Teacher Training
den Ashtanga Yoga "ausgedacht"? Wie ist die 1. Serie des Ashtanga Yoga aufgebaut? Was bedeutet der Count [...] (Yogapositionen)? Und vieles mehr rund um die erste Serie, Yoga Chikitsa ( = Yoga-Therapie) Alignment und [...] verbindlich an. 990,00 € *tax free after § 4 Nr. 21a) bb) UStG.) Select AYI Mitglieder nur 891 € 3. Schritt:
Ashtanga Yoga ▸ Traditional Practice Series ▸ Primary Series (Yoga Chikitsa)
Special note: The traditional practice sequence of "A""ṣṭāṅga Yoga is not as static as it is often depicted [...] As more and more students flocked to Mysore, the series was abbreviated in some places. Variant C disappeared [...] cuing around 2004. Only Paścimottānāsana A and D remained. Directly from the end of Vinyāsa
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otherwise end up in a wheelchair in the medium run. A strong inner voice and the fear of a complicated operation [...] However, due to a congenital hip dysplasia, I regularly suffered from pain even at a very young age when [...] This changed when I by chance met a 98 year old yoga teacher during a short trip with my family who triggered
Online Yogastudio ▸ Therapeutic tutorials
For whom is this video? Perhaps you had a long day and spent a particularly long time on your feet? Perhaps [...] Afterwards you could even add a few sun salutations or perhaps even an entire series. Or, perhaps this is jsut [...] feet and legs. Afterwards you will feel as fresh as a newborn baby. Dr. Ronald Steiner and yogini Melanie
AshtangaYoga ▸ Traditional Practice Series ▸ 3rd Series - Sthira Bhaga
Forward Bend Dr. Ronald Steiner In the third series of "A""ṣṭāṅga Yoga, the practice concludes after [...] ~~) and acts as a transition to the calmer closing sequence. This pose encourages a longer stay, and [...] positions from Paścimottānāsana A to D in this pose. A particularly effective grip is one where
Workshops and Teacher Training ▸ Events ▸ Workshops
Anmeldung 49,00 € *tax free after § 4 Nr. 21a) bb) UStG.) Out of stock Only 44,10€ for AYI members! [...] (excluding Flexi and Practice Tarif) » Become a member now « Freitag 15:00-17:30 Workshop Einladung Als [...] eintauchen. Der Schritt von der ersten in die zweite Serie ist auch ein Schritt von Vorbeugen zu Rückbeugen
Online Yogastudio ▸ Online Yoga classes
Utkaṭāsana Vīrabhadrāsana A Vīrabhadrāsana B Daṇḍāsana Paścimottānāsana A Paścimottānāsana B Paścimottānāsana [...] Sonnengrüßen, Standhaltungen, Asanas der ersten Serie bis Purvottanasana und Schlusssequenz - mit der [...] genießen. Highlights Beginn-Mantra Surya Namaskar [A] und ]B] Padangushthasana Pada Hastasana Utthita