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  • Yoga Anatomy

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    Kurmasana "Advanced seated forward bend" abgebildet im Yoga-Anatomie Buch von Leslie Kaminoff.

  • Namaste Ashtanga Yoga Studio, San Jose

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    Kontakt-Info Namaste Ashtanga Yoga Studio, San Jose Mariela Cruz San Jose, Costa Rica - 1 km west Hospital

  • Purple Yoga Hawaii, Honolulu

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    Kontakt-Info Purple Yoga Hawaii, Honolulu Cathy Louise Broda University Square, 2615 South King Street

  • Arhanta Yoga Ashram India

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    Kontakt-Info Arhanta Yoga Ashram India Anurag Jain Arhanta Yatri Niwas (Near Khajuraho), Village Bansarai

  • Bewusstsein & Leben

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    BEWUSSTSEIN & LEBEN - Zentrum für Yoga und Coaching Jana Erdmann Markt 20/21 17489 Greifswald

  • Berlin - Jivamukti Yoga Berlin

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    Kontakt-Info Jivamukti Yoga Berlin Brunnenstrasse 29 Hof III (Alte Backfabrik), 1. & 2. OG Berlin / DE

  • Joga Soba

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    cesta 6 Izola Yoga found me and it's my life now. I teach ashtanga

  • Alignment

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

    interest? The Modular Therapy Course (MTC) is aimed at yoga teachers from any tradition, and practitioners who [...] Mobil: +49 (0) 172 44 99 552 E-Mail: Es gelten die AGB des örtlichen Veranstalters

  • Alignment - Ausrichtung auf das Lebendige

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

    Voraussetzung, die gesundheitsrelevanten Aspekte des Yoga optimal im Unterricht umsetzen zu können. Fest im [...] im Ashtanga verwurzelt vertritt er diese Yoga Tradition auf authentische aber undogmatische Weise und

  • The Shoulder

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

    regions of the body such as the back or the neck. Yoga can be used to effectively balance out the shoulders [...] specific exercises. It is also important to note that yoga itself is quite demanding on the shoulder, as we