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presses on the inner sheath of its fascia. We can see observe this from the outside because the muscle
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father of Svetaketu, another enlightened pupil (see Khând. Up. VI, 1,1), is also called runi (Uddâlaka [...] takes Auddâlaki as possibly the same as Uddâlaka. See Brih. r. Up. III, 6, 1. ~h2~ta.m_ha_kumaara.m_santa [...] , and are barren." 2 : As to ânanda, unblessed, see Brih. r. Up. IV, 4, 1 1 ; Vâgas. Samh. Up. 3 (Sacred
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the music in Ashtanga Yoga for you? Where do you see parallels? Lisa: One parallel, for instance, is the