specials: Yoga-fashion +++ griechenland +++ deToX +++ Thai-Yogamassage krise als chance Yoga in griechenland Frühjahrs- Putz Yogische detox-tipps Yoga & geld das grosse tabu interview doris dorrie „Wi
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Sabine: Running, cycling, functional training and fitness classes in studios - by looking at your sports profile one might get the impression they are reading about a real-life superwoman. How does th
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Interview with: Ulrich Schäfer Sabine: A-level sports in school, years of kayaking, skiing, volleyball and running... it sounds like sports have played a major role throughout your entire life. How an
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Im Interview: Peter Herdin Sabine: Peter, in speaking with you, one would get the sense that you not only have been active all your life, but that you have been involved in a wide variety of different