Online Yogastudio ▸ Online Yoga classes
Utkaṭāsana Vīrabhadrāsana A Vīrabhadrāsana B Daṇḍāsana Paścimottānāsana A Paścimottānāsana B Paścimottānāsana [...] vertiefen. 2 yoga therapy (de) Sun Salutation A+B in a gentle and mindful Basic Form 16.5.2020 Dr. Ronald [...] gentle forms of Sun Salutation A and B. This form is meant to bring a focus on softness and ease which
Ashtanga Yoga ▸ Inspiration for your practice
contentment. A yoga practice So this morning is a great example of this new form of practice. After a long night [...] complete an entire series. Mini-Mama practice topped with a touching finish It is a wonderful feeling [...] your partner, a friend or with other moms. The practice becomes a synthesis of yoga and a baby play-group
Ashtanga Yoga ▸ Traditional Practice Series
Posture“ is a standing posture where the knees are bent in the same way as if you were to sit down on a chair [...] Ronald Steiner & more An dieser Stelle der Serie des "A""ṣṭāṅga Yoga ist die „Sitzenden Vorbeuge“ [...] Utthita Hasta Pādāṅguṣṭhāsana A: The standing pose with the big toe to the hand 20.4.2020
die erste und zweite Serie des Ashtanga Yoga gelernt haben. Die Zwei- te Serie heißt »Nâáî Éodhana«, [...] Van lysebeth (1919 – 2004) 2 Monate: 1. und 2. Serie, 1967 erscheint sein Buch »Prâòâyâma« 1956 Professor [...] erlernte Übungssystem schon der heute üblichen zweiten Serie des Ashtanga Yoga entsprach, ist leider unbekannt
Workshops and Teacher Training ▸ AYI(R) Teacher Training ▸ Inspired Teacher Training
den Ashtanga Yoga "ausgedacht"? Wie ist die 1. Serie des Ashtanga Yoga aufgebaut? Was bedeutet der Count [...] (Yogapositionen)? Und vieles mehr rund um die erste Serie, Yoga Chikitsa (Yogatherapie) Alignment - Wie kann [...] ausrichten? Wie übe ich für mich selbst die erste Serie? Unterricht: Plötzlich kommt da ein*e Anfänger*in
Community ▸ Network
"KraftQuelle“, a center with a midwifery and alternative medicine practice, a yoga school and a seminar space [...] tell us a little bit about your journey? Martina: My journey began as it does for many of us, at a time [...] study of yoga began. What followed was a midwifery diploma and a 7-year training in Traditional Chinese
Community ▸ Network
Aerial Yoga is a new and innovative invention: with the help of a yoga hammock made of a slightly stretchable [...] Pilates will be combined in a "dancing" fashion and put into practice. The result is a play with gravity, release [...] your back, is a lot of fun and boosts vitality. In other words, it is on the one hand a piece of equipment
Yoga Therapie
infimus). In a standing position In order to explore the function of both muscles, get into a standing position [...] piriformis is located a bit deeper and runs in the same direction. M. piriformis in a standing position Precisely [...] rotate the thigh outwards. Now repeat a similar experiment, this time in a sitting position, though - you will