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  • Fascia Yoga: Rebound and Creeping

    Yoga Therapie

    mean effective movement. If we compare a body builder to a sprinter, we see that the sprinter may have [...] combined with a lower muscle mass is ideal. For this reason, our fascial network is developed in a way to store [...] that this aspect has played a major role in the survival of our species. As a matter of fact most animals

  • 27.10.16 Laughter Yoga

    Community   ▸   Network

    started in a yoga class in a run of the mill fitness studio. Six years later, in 2013, I had a much more [...] Laughter Yoga for the first and only time a few years ago at a festival. Although it was the only time [...] laugh. And who can tell you with a straight face that they didn't enjoy a good laugh? Preparations are underway

  • More than skin-deep

    Yoga Therapie

    course of a month and to journal your thoughts at the end of your practice. Now that we have a basis with [...] your feet are aligned. Take a few more breaths, then open your eyes take a look at your feet and adjust [...] you feel? Stable and unwavering like a sequoia or wobbly like a willow… or something else? What thoughts

  • Praxis, Unterrichten, Philosophie - Exklusiv für Yogalehrer!

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   AYI(R) Teacher Training   ▸   Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

    folgende Gruppe notwendig. Hierdurch verlängert i.a. sich die Teilnahme am Intensiv um 1 Jahr. Dabei fällt [...] Problem angehen? Du willst endlich mal die 2. Serie systematisch lernen? Die vielen kleinen Aspekte [...] die traditionellen Ashtanga Übungsfolge (bis 4. Serie). Pranayama und Meditation: Das Intensive 2 ist

  • Praxis, Unterrichten, Philosophie - Exklusiv für Yogalehrer!

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   AYI(R) Teacher Training   ▸   Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

    Problem angehen? Du willst endlich mal die 2. Serie systematisch lernen? Die vielen kleinen Aspekte [...] die traditionellen Ashtanga Übungsfolge (bis 4. Serie). Pranayama und Meditation: Das Intensive 2 ist [...] folgende Gruppe notwendig. Hierdurch verlängert i.a. sich die Teilnahme am Intensiv um 1 Jahr. Dabei fällt

  • Quereinstieg

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   AYI(R) Teacher Training   ▸   Inspired Shortcut

    Modifikationen deiner persönlichen Yogapraxis die erste Serie des Ashtanga Yoga bis Purvottanasana mit Vinyasa [...] 990,00 € Content 1 Platz *tax free after § 4 Nr. 21a) bb) UStG.) Select AYI Mitglieder nur 891 € Aus- und [...] Weiterbildungen sind USt-freie Leistung gem. § 4 Nr. 21a) bb) UStG. Melde Dich jetzt an! Diese Ausbildung ist

  • AYI® Inspired Ausbildung

    Workshops and Teacher Training    ▸   AYI(R) Teacher Training   ▸   Inspired Teacher Training

    persönlichen Yoga Praxis Einsteiger Led Class 1. Serie (AYI) inkl. traditionellem Count Schwerpunktmodul: [...] Modular Therapy Course (MTC), die Dr. Ronald Steiner u.a. in verschiedenen deutschen Städten unterrichten. [...] verbindlich an 990,00 € *tax free after § 4 Nr. 21a) bb) UStG.) Select Only 891,00€ for AYI members!

  • Fascia Yoga for the hips

    Yoga Therapie

    The hip joint: a bone-defining ball joint As a ball joint, the hip joint is able to move in any direction [...] others. A regular yoga practice will help us to develop our natural range of motion. Like a bicycle wheel [...] personal range of motion is a good start, but it is not sufficient work to maintain a healthy hip joint. There

  • Allgäu Retreat

    Workshops and Teacher Training    ▸   Events   ▸   Retreats

    wir Dich gerne mit Adjustments bis zur dritten Serie (Eka Pada Bakasana B). Retreatablauf Mittwoch 16:00

  • Inspired

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   AYI(R) Teacher Training   ▸   Inspired Teacher Training

    Aspekte: Vinyāsa Count, Drishti, Bandha, Ujjayi Erste Serie des Ashtanga Yoga mit den verschiedenen Unterri