the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; where the purposes and means of such processing [...] applicable to the AYI ® - Dr. Ronald Steiner. By means of this data protection declaration, our enterprise [...] process. Furthermore, data subjects are informed, by means of this data protection declaration, of the rights
Philosophy ▸ Philosophy and Tradition
translation. On a personal level: what does yoga mean to you? Yoga is life. Life is yoga. What is the [...] wish for openness and flexibility in thought as well as eagerness to experiment. Yoga has the potential
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high level of control, strength and flexibility as well as the necessary physical preconditions. The third [...] your practice gains more ease and continuity - as well as much greater depth. Due to the fact that, from [...] great precision and always held for five breaths as well as by the transitions from one position to the next
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The Yoga Doc - Enhancing holistic well-being with Yoga 19.03.2019 Dr. Ronald Steiner It's finally here [...] skeptical. Meet yourself where you are. What does that mean? Yoga is taking place in the here and now. Only [...] aspects of what can help you to improve your own well-being. Whatever your current physical or mental
Online Yogastudio ▸ Therapeutic tutorials
order to do a handstand well. Proper alignment is actually most important, meaning that the arms, torso [...] only possible when the shoulder blades can move well. If any part of the body cannot maintain that vertical
Yoga Therapie
how your body reacted and even effected your mood? Well, let's take a closer look.... The Skin and Touch [...] physical wellbeing and health. The sense of touch by means of the skin is what allows us to recognize our [...] another, you sense the familiarity of their touch as well. Sensing Through Your Skin When we examine the
Ashtanga Yoga ▸ Inspiration for your practice
class from 6:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. What does that mean? The rule of thumb is that you can come up to 15 [...] diverse sounds of breath as practitioners utilize the well-known Ujjayi breathing technique. The quiet is [...] elements the student is consciously working with, as well as where the student may be skipping over things
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have some time and space to focus on my needs as well. I had a couple of choices to make. One major decision [...] Politics, Psychology, Philosophy and Literature; as well as practical courses such as rhetoric and voice [...] you've found what really interests you. I do not mean that only intellectually, but a feeling that comes
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This means that a kind of rhythm or dramaturgy develops. How does one feel afterwards? Lisa: Well, I usually [...] I don't want to do that!" Now I rather think: "Well, this is exhausting but it will feel great afterwards [...] parents, start to cry or simply wouldn't sleep as well sensing my insecurity. Melanie: That is really great
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chakra can be translated as "wheel" or "ring". This means that energy rises through our energy channels (nadis) [...] chakra) groundedness, family and ancestry, friends, well rooted in life. pelvic floor earth smell