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Searched for bends.
  • Janu Shirshasana B

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Traditional Practice Series    ▸   Primary Series (Yoga Chikitsa)

    Exhale and bend both elbows to the side and tilt the pelvis forward to come into the forward bend. Stay here [...] to lower yourself down slowly between your arms. Bend your right leg until the sole of the foot rests

  • Supine Sun Salutation B

    My AYI    ▸   My E-Learning

    Ekam (1): Inhale - Bend knees, rotate arms outwards Dve (2): Exhale - Hug knees into chest Trini (3): [...] - Hug knees into chest Saptadasha (17): Inhale- Bend knees, externally rotate arms outwards Samasthitih:

  • Fascia-Yoga: Balancing the back body

    Yoga Therapie

    springy characteristic. Dorsal Fascia Every time you bend over, a line of pull is present and thus electrical [...] of the creeping effect If you go into a forward bend, tension is created on the back line. Depending [...] gradually becomes brittle and wilted from repeated bending back and forth. The fascia fatigues, the area of

  • 3rd Series - Sthira Bhaga

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Traditional Practice Series

    g bow. Paścimottānāsana: Seated Forward Bend Dr. Ronald Steiner In the third series of ~i~A.s [...] after the backbend with the classic "Seated Forward Bend" - Paścimottānāsana. Each week anew! Week

  • Fascia Yoga: Rebound and Creeping

    Yoga Therapie

    fundamental for building flexibility in all back bends. Forward bend – Upavishta Konasana (Creeping Effect) Figure [...] longer and more flexibility is cultivated. Forward bend – Pashchimottanasana (Creeping Effect) Figure 3: [...] pulling the buttocks flesh out to the side, and or bend your knees. Stretch yourself over your legs and

  • Alignment Step 2

    My AYI    ▸   My E-Learning

    recommended: Extreme forward bends: Feet pointed (i.e. Tittibhasana) Light forward bends: Feet flexed (i.e. M [...] Marichyasana) Medium forward bends: Foot semi pointed / flexed (i.e.: Supta Konasana) Don't let your foot

  • Primary Series (Yoga Chikitsa)

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Traditional Practice Series

    A: Seated forward bend 6.4.2020 Dr. Ronald Steiner & more In the "seated forward bend" the practitioner [...] Seated forward bend 6.4.2020 Dr. Ronald Steiner & more The variant B of the "seated forward bend" the practitioner [...] forward bend 6.4.2020 Dr. Ronald Steiner & more In the third variant of the "seated forward bend" (~i~

  • Yoga Anatomy

    Community   ▸   Network

    Steiner in Supta Kurmasana "Advanced seated forward bend" abgebildet im Yoga-Anatomie Buch von Leslie Kaminoff

  • Ashtavakrasana A

    AshtangaYoga    ▸   Traditional Practice Series    ▸   3rd Series - Sthira Bhaga

    translated, the name Aṣṭāvakra means: "He who has eight bends." This curse had far-reaching consequences, not [...] a balance position on your hands. Exhale as you bend your elbows while straightening your legs. Carefully [...] Lift your head inhaling while lowering your pelvis. Bend your arms until the upper arms reach horizontal

  • Tryanga Mukhaika Paada Pashchimottanasana

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Traditional Practice Series    ▸   Primary Series (Yoga Chikitsa)

    lower yourself down slowly between your arms and bend your right knee so that your knees stay together [...] the body. Vinyāsa 8: Exhale, 5 Breaths: Exhale and bend both elbows to the side and tilt the pelvis forward